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  1. 台灣大哥大4g吃到飽 相關

  2. 短約期12個月/24個月自由選,低月付$499享上網吃到飽+語音通話優惠,再贈最高1800mo幣! 新申辦/攜碼超優惠!辦24個月專案,享上網吃到飽,最高贈1800momo幣,電信499專案超值選擇


  1. 例句與用法. I seldom eat at the all - you - can - eat restaurant. 我很少在 吃到飽 的餐廳用餐。. We dont need to eat everyday or until your full , 我們不用每天吃飯或是 吃到飽 為止,托勒密. Let ' s go to an " all - you - can - eat " buffet. 一起去"任你 吃到飽 "自助餐。. They give you as much as you ...

  2. 請購的英文翻譯,請購英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯請購,請購的英文單字,请购的英文,请购 meaning in English,請購怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  3. 短語和例子. 尺碼齊全 have a complete range of sizes; 工具齊全 have all kinds of tools; 裝備齊全 be fully equipped; 這家商店貨物齊全。. this shop has a satisfactory variety of goods. 這個實驗室設備齊全。. the equipment of the laboratory is complete. "弄齊全" 英文翻譯 : complete; roundout. "齊全的 ...

  4. 例句與用法. Soup 's off -- we have only got fruit juice . 湯已 售完 現只供應果汁。. I ' m sorry , we ' ve sold out , ' the girl said. “對不起,票已 售完 。. ”那位姑娘說。. The houses are sold out within this price range. 在這個價位范圍之內的房子已 售完 。. The goods we offered last week are ...

  5. feed down the grassy land 把(牛)放進草地草。 feed the fire with fuel 給火加燃料。 be well fed 吃得好[差]。 better fed than taught 養而不教。 Well fed, well bred. 吃得飽,懂禮貌[衣食足而后禮義興]。 be fed up with 〔美俚〕…吃得過;厭倦 (I'm fed up with

  6. 一條龍服務的英文翻譯,一條龍服務英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯一條龍服務,一條龍服務的英文單字,一条龙服务的英文,一条龙服务 meaning in English,一條龍服務怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

  7. 例句與用法. Message 3 is almost the same with one minor tweak. Message 3幾乎做了相同的修改:. Once you re finished tweaking , reboot the machine. 一旦您完成調整,重新引導機器。. Requirement r1130 was merely tweaked editorially. 需求r1130僅僅做了字面上的修改。. Then they tweaked the code and did it ...

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