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  1. 該策使不能到菲律賓大使館或別處的駐華領事館辦理訪問簽證的游客/商人能得到落地(入境口岸)簽證。 Area - effect ; 25 mp , range 5 , aoe 1 - 5 ; banishes undead ( can ' t resurrect ) . spell does not affect undead that are reviving . aoe broadens as user ' s int increases

  2. 例句與用法. The visa expires next month . 簽證 下月到期。 Smedley went to london, intending to wait there for a visa . 史沫特萊前往倫敦,準備在那里等待 簽證 。 We have had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time . 我們得簡化手續才能將你的 簽證 及時辦妥。 I 've given up trying to get a visa ; there is too much red tape involved .

  3. Visa entry permit fees charged by the beijing office. 經駐京辦處理的簽證 進入許可 費用. Stage 5 : issue of entry visa entry permit. 第五階段:獲簽發入境簽證/ 進入許可. The visa entry permit application form. 傭工必須填寫簽證/ 進入許可 申請表格 [. Application for the entry visa for undergraduates ...

  4. 在五六十年代,因為美國慷慨資助菲律賓戰后的重建工作,菲律賓曾是本區域最發達的國家有一些 菲律賓人的 言論筆鋒充滿澎湃的感情。. The filipino s charm lies in their smiles , in the numerous religious festivals that venerate nature , the divine and the cycles of life and in the virtue of ...

  5. There is a fee for entry clearance issued overseas. 對海外簽發的 入境許可 需要支付費用。 Anyone who is exempt will not need to obtain entry clearance. 任何免除限制的人將不必獲得 入境許可 。 Other visas and permits section travel pass application unit.

  6. To apply for a visa you will need the following. 為了 申請簽證 ,你將需要如下內容。 I suggest you apply for your visa as early as possible. (我建議你盡早去 申請簽證 。 It is important to apply for the visa early.

  7. 如果所說的外國人從菲律賓收回投資,那么,他的特別投資者常駐簽證將自動終止。 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 用"收回投資"造句

  1. 菲律賓簽證 相關

  2. 10/6下午2點,讓專家帶您深入印尼/菲律賓,了解環境特色與優勢,線上填單即可參加免費說明會! 一次了解馬來/印尼/菲律賓優勢 【公司註冊登記證第C0055號 中移廣字第112042001號】

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