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      美麗體態小幫手, 立刻打造窈窕曲線



  1. The Summer Celebration returns. 無論您是天馬行空的創作者、無畏的倖存者、忠實的多人遊戲玩家,還是躍躍欲試的新手,都能在這裡找到適合自己的好東西。. 立即購買 取得 Minecraft.

  2. The Summer Celebration returns 无论您是富有远见的创作者、无畏的幸存者、忠实的多人玩家,还是热切的新手,总能在这里找到您想要的。 初次来到 Minecraft 吗? 探索新手建议:从如何制作或使用游戏手柄,到如何与朋友一起畅玩,通通了如指掌。

  3. 您可以在不使用 Minecraft 啟動器的情況下啟動 Minecraft 遊戲,不過,它可以把所有遊戲集中在一處,幫助您節省時間。. 下載 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 等版本的 Minecraft。. 回鍋使用者可以找到 Java 和 Bedrock 的伺服器軟體重新下載選項,以利與好友同樂。.

  4. Minecraft 2009 只靠 32 個模組建構而成,充滿了最基本的遊戲錯誤,和醜不啦嘰的介面,比記憶中還要棒呢!. 慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!. 6 月 15 日之前在 Minecraft 週年慶特賣消費,即享所有遊戲五折優惠,還有 15 天大放送的免費贈品和收藏桌布。.

  5. › en-us › loginLog in

    繁體中文. Sign in to your Minecraft account using your Microsoft or Mojang login. Still have a Mojang Account? Migrate before September 19, 2023 to continue playing.

  6. Since 25 July 2022, all players need a Microsoft account to play all versions of Minecraft. If you already have a Microsoft account, then great! You’ll find details on how to sign in below. If you don’t: it’s free, quick, and easy to register a new Microsoft account through either the Minecraft launcher, or the Microsoft website.

  7. “Commands”, or “slash commands” as they’re sometimes called, allow you to make changes to your Minecraft experience, from summoning mobs to adjusting the weather conditions of the world. In this article, we’ll explain what they are, how to use them, and provide a list of some of the most useful commands for players.