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  1. 2024年5月1日 · A Minecraft Bedrock Edition Preview. It's time for yet another exciting Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta and Preview update! This week you will discover the artistic delights of 15 new paintings that have been added to the game, created by artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand.

  2. 歡迎來到 Minecraft 官方網站. Get up to 50%* off Minecraft! 現在就是加入 Minecraft 的最佳時機!. 為慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年,5 月 15 日至 6 月 22 日期間購買 Minecraft 可享高達 50%* 的折扣。. 立即享受優惠. Get up to 50%* off Minecraft Dungeons. 挑戰受到經典地下城探索類遊戲啟發的 ...

  3. Minecraft 2009 只靠 32 個模組建構而成,充滿了基本的遊戲錯誤,和醜不啦嘰的介面,比記憶中還要棒呢!. 慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!. 6 月 15 日之前在 Minecraft 週年慶特賣消費,即享所有遊戲五折優惠,還有 15 天大放送的免費贈品和收藏桌布。.

  4. 2024年3月14日 · A Minecraft Java Snapshot. Oh look, it's a rare case of snapshot Thursday! This week we're expanding your arsenal with a smashing new weapon, the Mace! Use this weapon's special smash attack while leaping from a high place and watch your enemies get knocked back. The longer you fall, the harder you hit – but make sure you time it right!

  5. 2024年4月29日 · The shipping room sure has been bustling with activity lately! So much so that we managed to cram one last release into the month of April. Today we're shipping Java Edition 1.20.6, a hotfix release that takes care of some critical issues that managed to sneak their way into the Armored Paws drop (1.20.5) last week. Happy llama-safe mining!

  6. FIRE TV. 停在放大鏡圖示以進入商店,輸入「Minecraft」並在出現下載更新選項時選取它。 下載後,圖示將出現在主畫面分頁的「最近」下方。 若要更新遊戲,請選取 Minecraft 後按下選單按鈕 (三條水平線) 並按一下「更多資訊」。 在遊戲說明下將出現「更新」按鈕,按下後即開始更新。 萬歲! Minecraft 是一款放置方塊及進行探險的遊戲。 在此購買,或探索網站查看最新消息與絕讚的社群創作!

  7. 探索最新的冒險之域!防禦新的危機、利用新的方塊建造,並體驗全新的村莊生活。

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