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  1. 我最喜歡的演員之一是蘇格蘭的史恩?康納萊,他最知名的角色是007系列的詹姆士?龐德,他演了一部電影叫《巡弋飛彈》 (永不說永不) 。 In movies , she had roles like being a bond girl in never say never again 1983 and playing a small - town texan beauty in nadine 1987 . her breakout role was as ...

  2. 2003年,他承認自己不喜歡邦德電影,並且自肖恩康納利時代以來就沒有看過。2003 년 그는 본드 영화가 싫어서 숀 코너리 (Sean Connery) 시대 이후 영화를 본 적이 없다고 인정했다. 2003年,他承認自己不喜歡邦德電影,并且自肖恩康納利時代以來就沒有看

  3. 史恩康納萊哈利波特 No no , roger moore - didn ' t you get sean connery over here 不行,不行,羅杰-摩爾-你們不看肖恩康納利的007嗎 Actor : sean connery 現住地:美國紐約 In the old high - school fantasy game , her picks would be russell crowe , a young

  4. 史恩康納萊哈利波特 Artist name : connery, jason 藝人名稱:積信康路連 No no , roger moore - didn ' t you get sean connery over here 不行,不行,羅杰-摩爾-你們不看肖恩康納利的007嗎 Male artist connery, jason 男藝人積信康路連 Artist name : connery, sean

  5. 4我特別愛看007系列的影片這不公平! Nbc ' s offering 3 . 25 mil per package of five james bond movies 全國廣播公司給1套5 部的007系列影片的開價是325萬 Nbc ' s offering 3 . 25 mil per package of five james bond movies . . 全國廣播公司給1套5部的007系列 ...

  6. 綫上翻譯. 【 查查綫上翻譯 】是網上獨一無二的綫上辭典,它有以下特點. 超大詞庫. 普通辭典有和沒有的都能查到,涵蓋工作生活各個領域. 豐富例句. 大量的例句讓您清晰地理解每個詞匯的實際具體用法. 真人發音. 常用詞匯標有中英文音標,並可播放真人錄制 ...

  7. 例句與用法. We want to put you up for club treasurer . 我們想請你擔任俱樂部的 財務人員 。. Financial analysts are concerned about the dispersion of a firm's earnings . 財務人員 關心公司凈收入的離散性。. Pricing was an immediate predecessor of the financial officers preparing the budget . 價格估計是 ...