Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 有海量綫上例句用法,真人發音,相關詞匯翻譯查詢,自動拼寫糾錯,近義詞反義詞查詢等功能.

  2. Option 1 ) the showcase : brown , because of his expiring contract , has trade value. 讓布朗多表現:因為布朗 即將到期 的合同,讓他變得很有交易價值。. “ metzelder is also out of contract soon and he has shown his value at borussia for the last seven years. "梅策爾德也是一名合同 即將到期 的球員 ...

  3. The rule does not hold good in this case . 這規則 在這種情況下 不適用。 In this case they were to be shadowed .

  4. 我瞅著他,瞅著他那頗象林肯的臉龐,長長的臉棱角外露。 The company was supposed to bivouac overnight and then return to the post the next day . 預期這個連當天在野 外露 營,次日返回駐地。

  5. 例句與用法. The word "stores" is a catch-all for all types of jettisonable fuel tanks, bomb shapes, and other capacity devices . “ 外掛 ”這個詞是各種可投放的油箱,炸彈形物體和其他容器的總稱。. It is often necessary to determine the satisfactory release characteristics of tip tanks, underwing stores, bombs ...

  6. 要怎樣來設計那表格? Assist production line and process to solve the problems during production . improve the yield rate 協助生產線和工藝解決生產過程中發生的問題,提高產品的 達成率 。

  7. 我想將這支票兌現。 Well , may i cash these three checks for 100 each ? i think that will be enough 那么,我能把每張100美元的3張支票兌現嗎?我想該夠用了。 更多例句: 1 2 3 用"支票兌現"造句

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