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  1. 2023年2月20日 · This is my definitive ranking of the factions within Root. Please note that this is strictly my own opinion and I'm sure that others will have different viewpoints. I'm also writing this with the assumption that you are mostly familiar with the game at a high level. The Marquise de Cat.

  2. 2023年11月28日 · Before I get started, I want to say something. So many of the voters wrote how much the list means to them. How much fun they have, how it has helped them find great games and how much they look forward to it. I didn't respond very much this

  3. 2021年11月1日 · For the 8th straight year the 1-Player Guild presents The People's Choice Top 100 200 Solo games. It has been a lot of fun to vote and discover the list together. So we're back again. A whopping 953 people voted this year up from the previous high.

  4. 2022年2月15日 · Here're the results: leader score. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen 4.72. Duke Leto Atreides 4.48. Tessia Vernius 4.23. Countess Helena Richese 4.17. The Beast Glossu Rabban 4.09. Archduke Armand Ecaz 3.42. Princess Yuna Moritani 3.36.

  5. 2016年11月1日 · 其次,乌玫瑰算是每出一部种地作品,就能提取之前的优点,加入新的元素进去。. 而这部不仅非常农场主,而且还有独特的拼图机制,掷骰机制与升级后的工人放置机制。. 最后,在洞农被诟病重开性不高后,乌玫瑰总算又加入了卡牌元素。. 虽然按乌玫瑰的尿 ...

  6. 2017年12月27日 · 15 - 1.8 Arborec. 16 - 1.5 Winnu. 17 - 0.0 Embers of Muat. The races are given a score from 0 to 5 where 5 means they have won each game they were in and a 0 means they have lost each game they were in. Let me know if you wanna help compile data in some way or if you have some questions =) I like statistics haha. Tip.

  7. 展翅翱翔 官方中文规则书(附录) | Wingspan

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