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  1. 奧捷旅遊 相關

  2. 奧捷、德瑞、南法、義大利,報名即贈無框畫延續愛的時刻!分享心得再送埔里最頂承萬尊爵住宿券。 濃情歐洲蜜月團,米其林推薦燭光晚餐、德瑞景觀列車頭等艙,貼心高規格行程安排,每團少於28人。

  3. 中東歐遊2024中東歐人氣旅行路線, 暢遊中東歐列國、多瑙河、布拉格廣場、匈牙利國會大廈、美泉宮. 途風旅行網#618全球旅遊節#邀請您一瓜分10000刀無門檻優惠券,6.1-6.18日下單5折開搶先到先得

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    維也納-布拉格雙點進出,搭配高速鐵路,讓你減少舟車勞頓,用最悠閒的步調,享受最完美的旅程! 2晚哈斯達特.3晚布拉格五星飯店.維也納音樂會升等A區.庫倫洛夫世紀晚宴,給你流動藝文饗宴!

  5. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    漫步布拉格自由活動,絕美國王湖、庫倫洛夫童話小鎮、雙首都連泊、雙點進出、行程順暢、CP值完勝. 古老浪漫布拉格、音樂之都維也納、哈修塔特湖區美景、中世紀饗宴、品味米其林餐點,一次收藏!

  6. 暢遊東歐四國,深入16湖國家公園/布雷德湖/鐘乳石洞/眾神之地札達爾,戀上克斯波蒙絕美秋楓. 秋遊巴爾幹!賞楓就到克斯波蒙,布雷德手搖船/國家公園/觀景纜車,4晚五星,帶你盡享東歐楓情


  1. Inspiring artists, important politicians, and tourists from all over the world are populating Vienna and in need of a hotel room. This is your opportunity to turn your little café into a world famous hotel. Hire staff, fulfill the wishes of your guests, and gain the emperor's favor.

    • (20.8K)
  2. This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central idea is that a column of marbles has weight given by the number of marbles in line.

    • (7.7K)
  3. Each player starts the game with ten creature cards (five in hand and five in a draw pile) and tries to use them to reduce the opponent's life total to zero. In addition, every player receives two Mindbug cards that can be used to mind control an opposing creature when it is played.

  1. 奧捷旅遊 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    指定旅遊方案搭配「Pay4U 幫你付」分期回饋最高10%扣,線上即可申請,金額無上限,優惠倒數中. 選擇「Pay4U 幫你付」分期付款享回饋!12期5%/18期8%/24期10%,總金額直接抵,馬上了解!

  3. You Can Plan Your Itinerary with Licensed Professionals to Explore DC. Family Holiday Or Touring With Friends? Whatever You Need, We'll Deliver More

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