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  1. 2023年7月4日 · 註:因為遊戲目前尚無統一中文翻譯,使用Board Game Arena遊戲裡的中文翻譯,可能專有名詞上不甚精確或有些錯誤 (例如Aeroplane被譯為「滑翔翼」而不「飛機」)

  2. 2010年10月1日 · The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  3. Reiner Knizia (born 1957 in Germany) is a full-time game designer who lived for many years in England. He earned a PhD in mathematics and has previously worked in the banking industry. His first published games in 1990 were Gold Digger and Desperados.

  4. Daybreak is a co-operative game about climate action. Each player controls a world power, deploying policies and technologies to both dismantle the engine of global heating and to build resilient societies that protect people from life-threatening crises.

  5. SPIEL Essen 24 Preview. Oct 03 2024 – Oct 06 2024. Essen, Germany · Hundreds of new games will be introduced at SPIEL Essen 24. This preview covers games debuting at that show or recently released or (for smaller publishers) released since 2023. Publishers, here's how to add your titles.

  6. Description. Cole, born 1986, grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He attended Indiana University and earned a degree in Journalism and English with additional concentrations in History (19th century) and film. As a student he was heavily involved in labor rights movements in Bloomington, Indiana and studied under Purnima Bose and Joss Marsh.

  7. In Pax Pamir, players assume the role of nineteenth century Afghan leaders attempting to forge a new state after the collapse of the Durrani Empire. Western histories often call this period "The Great Game" because of the role played by the Europeans who attempted to use central Asia as a theater for their own rivalries.