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  1. Revolutionary Girl Utena ( Japanese: 少女革命ウテナ, Hepburn: Shōjo Kakumei Utena) [c] is a Japanese anime television series created by Be-Papas, a production group formed by director Kunihiko Ikuhara and composed of himself, Chiho Saito, Shinya Hasegawa, Yōji Enokido and Yūichirō Oguro.

  2. › wiki › UtenaUtena - Wikipedia

    Utena (pronunciation , German: Utenen) is a city in north-east Lithuania. It is the administrative center of Utena district and Utena County. Utena is one of the oldest settlements of Lithuania. The name of the city is most probably derived from a hydronym.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 『 少女革命ウテナ 』(しょうじょかくめいウテナ)は、 J.C.STAFF 制作の アニメ 作品。 テレビシリーズとして1997年4月2日から同年12月24日まで テレビ東京系列 で放送された。 全39話。 概要. 『 美少女戦士セーラームーン 』シリーズのメインスタッフだった 幾原邦彦 が少数精鋭のスタッフを集めて制作集団ビーパパスを結成、少女漫画家 さいとうちほ と組んで世に放った異色作。 第2回 アニメーション神戸 テレビ番組の部最優秀賞受賞。 男装の麗人、 書き割り の様な背景、影絵の少女達による不可思議な劇中劇など、 宝塚歌劇 と前衛舞台劇を折衷したような徹底した アバンギャルド な演出が特徴。

  5. Utena Tenjou (天上ウテナ Tenjō Utena) is the protagonist of the series in every version. She is a student in her second year of middle school at Ohtori Academy who wears a boy's uniform in order to be more like her "prince". Initially, Utena is portrayed with blonde hair and wearing a modified...

  6. Revolutionary Girl Utena, a Japanese anime television series created by Be-Papas, features an extensive cast of characters. The series' protagonist is Utena Tenjou, a tomboy middle school student who is drawn into a series of sword duels to win the hand of Anthy Himemiya, a mysterious student known as the "Rose Bride".

  7. -蓮台UTENA- )是由 DMM GAMES 開發的 網頁遊戲 、 手機遊戲 [1] ,前身是2016年3月15日開始在Ameba、mixi、GREE運營的社交卡牌類遊戲 《南無阿彌陀佛! 》 ( なむあみだ仏っ! ),已於2018年7月31日停止營運。 2018年8月8日在埼玉大宮山東光寺發表了本作的製作成果會,同時宣布改編電視動畫的消息。 官方自稱遊戲類型為「煩惱淨化戰鬥RPG」,以佛教的神祇為主要角色,預定於2019年冬開始運營。 劇情簡介 [ 編輯] 世間眾生皆無法逃脫的生老病死之苦,救濟的方法即是……「覺悟」。 在戰爭結束後,獲得覺悟的王子成為釋迦如來,拯救了世界。 之後漫長的時間流逝……如今正是末法之世。

  8. Adolescence of Utena [a] is a 1999 Japanese anime film. It is a follow-up to the 1997 anime television series Revolutionary Girl Utena, created by the artist collective Be-Papas. The film is directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara, written by Yōji Enokido based on a story by Ikuhara and produced by the animation studio J.C.Staff.