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  1. Swollen feet and legs, referred to medically as leg edema, occur when fluid is retained in the spaces between body cells. As leg edema typically affects the feet, ankles and lower legs, but can also impact any areas of the body, causing systemic symptoms.

  2. Catheter Teaching 1556. Instructed patient about your Foley catheter daily Care: Always wash your hands before and after . doing catheter care. Use soap and warm water. Keep your skin and catheter clean. Clean the skin . around your catheter at least once each day. Clean your skin area and catheter after every .

  3. Patient instructed that Anemia is a condition characterized by an inadequate amount of red blood cells, which are produced in your bone marrow. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a substance that picks up oxygen from your lungs, carries it throughout your body, and gives it to your cells.

  4. SN instructed that the dementia symptoms vary depending on the cause, but common signs and symptoms include: Cognitive changes: Memory loss, difficulty communicating or finding words, difficulty with complex tasks, difficulty with planning and organizing, difficulty with coordination and motor functions, problems with disorientation, such as ...

  5. Instructed on Anemia. Pernicious anemia is a disease where large, immature circulate in the blood, and do not function as blood cells; it is a disease caused by impaired uptake of vitamin B-12 due to the lack of intrinsic factor in the gastric mucosa.

  6. Colostomy Teaching 2367. Instructed patient caregiver Loss of appetite, drowsiness, and leg cramps may be signs of sodium loss. Fatigue, muscle weakness, and shortness of breath may be signs of potassium loss. Dehydration, low sodium, and low potassium can all be dangerous and should be treated right away. Call your doctor or 911 right away if ...

  7. Skilled nurse instructed patient about medication Furosemide, a 'water pill,' is used to reduce the swelling and fluid retention caused by various medical problems, including heart or liver disease. It is also used to treat high blood pressure. It causes the kidneys to get rid of unneeded water and salt from the body into the urine.

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