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  1. 形容詞. 1. 紅的,紅色的 I prefer the green sweater to the red one. 我喜歡那件綠毛衣勝過紅的那件。. 2. (毛髮)紅褐色. 3. 通紅,充血 The little girl's eyes were red with weeping. 那個小女孩哭得兩眼通紅。.

  2. 1. ,線,索 She hung the wash on the line. 她將洗好衣服晾在繩子上。 2. 線條 Draw a line from A to B. 從A點劃一條線到B點。 3. 列,排;(等待順序)行列 There is a long line at the ticket office. 售票處排著長隊。 4. 交通線;航線;鐵路線 A new bus...

  3. 1. 棒,條;(長方或橢圓形)條狀物 Here is a bar of soap. 這兒有一條肥皂。 2. 閂,橫槓. 3. 障礙,限制. 4. 沙洲,沙灘. 5. 條紋,帶. 6. 槓,代表軍階橫槓. 7. 酒吧;小吃店;櫃臺 There are several bars in the hotel. 這家旅館有好幾個酒吧。 8.

  4. 形容詞. 1. 可塑,塑性 The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag. 售貨員幫瑪麗把水果裝入一個塑膠購物袋裡。. 2. 造型,塑造,塑像 Sculpture is a plastic art. 雕塑是一種造形藝術。. Clay, wax, and...

  5. n. 名詞. 1. 枝條;柴枝 [C] 2. 棍,棒,杖;手杖 [C] Grandpa still walks without a stick. 爺爺走路仍不拄柺杖。 3. 棒狀物 [C] [(+of)] I bought the child some sticks of candy. 我給孩子買了幾根棒棒糖。 4. 【英】【口】懲罰;棒打;有敵意言行 [U] 5....

  6. adj. 帶紅色的,淡紅的. 釋義. adj. 形容詞. 1. 帶紅色的,淡紅的 The woman busily collected the ripened reddish berries. 那婦女忙著採集成熟紅色的莓果。. 更多解釋.

  7. 1. 棒,桿,竿 [C] The rod bent as he pulled in the fish. 當他把魚拉上來時,魚竿都彎了。. 2. 枝條,柳條 [C] 3. (拷打用)荊條,棍棒 [C] Spare the rod, spoil the child. 不打不成器。. I knew I was in trouble when I was taken to the garage...