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  1. 去日本如何玩更Hi?快沿著新幹線來趟文化與城市風情之旅!HiTutor線上日文課程,採一對一教學,學習效果快又好;想學50音與日文會話?找HiTutor就對了!

  2. Vocabulary Fast food – it is called Fast food because it is prepared and served quickly. Drive-thru – a takeaway restaurant designed so that customers can use it without leaving their cars Take-out – means the order will be take at home. Dine-in – means the order/food will be eaten inside the restaurant. ...

  3. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  4. flick, flip riffle, leaf, riff peruse. wave - a movement up and down or back and forth. curl, wave twist. bump - knock against with force or violence. hit, strike. cheek - either side of the face below the eyes. talk, speak. polite - showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior.

  5. 為你找出英文學習盲點,讓你掌握優勢,強化弱點!線上檢測模式,彈性預約超方便!最專業 語言檢測,就等你來體驗! 姓名 連絡電話 我同意隱私權政策 Email 試讀課程 ...

  6. Barrier – (n.) Something that separates or holds apart. Ex : There are many barriers that stop people from being successful in business. Cemetery – (n.)A place for burying the dead; a graveyard. Ex : My family is going to the cemetery today to clean

  7. Vocabulary Grocery: A store selling foodstuffs and different supplies. Supermarket: larger than grocery store that sells different stuff. Convenience store: small store that sells food and other necessary stuff which is open 24 hours a day. Dialogue 1 Liz : "Hello, could I have some tomatoes please?" ...