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  1. 如果尿液是深黃色,這很正常,但尿液中的尿膽素仍偏多,所以你很快就會想喝水了。 No color at all means you have been drinking a lot of water . 如果尿液沒有顏色,代表你喝了大量的水。

  2. Now, let's do a urine test for the employees of each country mentioned in this episode. 現在,讓我們對這些國家的員工進行尿液檢查。. Findings from this test reveal a honey-like color to the urine of Taiwanese workers; a rather ominous shade of yellow for urinary health. 透過色階檢定,我們發現台灣人可稱 ...

  3. 原因就是: First of, urine is mostly water. 一 尿液主要成分是水. The average humans' urine is more than ninety five percent water. 一般人的尿液的水含量超過95% And also the difference between 1 to 2 grams per liter of sodium and chloride ions, 每公升的尿液約含1~2克的鹽分和氯化物. guess what is in sea water? 猜猜海水中什麼? The ocean is about ninety six point five percent H2O, 海水中 水占了約96.5%

  4. 病人的痊癒情況會比醫生說:「就算吃了藥,也不會對你任何幫助。. 」好上許多。. Some studies have even shown that the amount you have to take, the size, how many you have to take a day, what box the drug comes in. 有些研究更顯示,病人的用藥量、藥丸大小、一天服藥次數、藥品包裝 ...

  5. 污水... It's bad... 它不好... It causes a lot of disease. 它帶來很多疾病。 Mostly diarrheas. 尤其是引起腹瀉。 Because people don't have good sanitation system. 因為人們沒有很好的下水道系統。 We said, it's way too expensive, the way that the rich countries do it. 我們覺得有錢國家的處理方式太花錢了。 Make something that we can put throughout Africa, and get rid of all that sewage.

  6. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:女生,膀胱,男女,誇張,隊伍,男生,派對,女士,沒關係,好玩,文化,變成,小姐,聽到

  7. 學這些英文用法:SpongeBob,笑聲,清潔,尖叫聲,保麗龍,骯髒,卑鄙,泥土,喘息聲,喃喃自語,工作,寶寶,泡泡,閃閃發光,壞蛋,盤子,清理,邪惡,發電廠,特殊,洗碗機,新聞,警察,縮寫,惡棍,裂縫,轉彎,門口,比基尼,肥皂,擦拭,蟹堡王,地址,工作者,當做,看到,吞噬,氣喘,嗡嗡聲,神聖 ...

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