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  1. 美妝界有一個新趨勢,叫做「無精洗頭法」。 The secret could be not shampooing. 秘密就是不使用洗髮精。 Skip the shampoo. 別用洗髮精。 Your hair is better off without it. 不用它對你的頭髮會更好。 At least that's the slogan for the No Poo Movement that's got people claiming they haven't used conventional shampoo in years. 至少「無精洗髮運動」的標語這麼說的,而擁護者也宣稱他們好幾年沒有用傳統洗髮精了。 And their hair looks amazing.

  2. 從科學角度看禿頭 The Science of Hair Loss/Balding. Carol Chen 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 04 . 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:禿頭,染色體,基因,祖父,母親,性別,男性 ...

  3. 你知道我們為什麼會掉這麼多頭髮嗎,蒂姆? Tim : Isn 't it because it allowed us to sweat more easily ? 蒂姆:是不是因為它讓我們更容易出汗?

  4. 第一項而已,海倫仙度絲的科學家會幫助我們解開更多真相,希望我不會搞砸它。 this up. This is going to be BUN, I mean, FUN. ‘Cause your hair is in a bun… 這一定會很好丸,我是說,很好玩。 因為有種髮型叫丸子頭..... you know what I’m talking about. 你知道我在說什麼. Shampoos have become way gentler since the 1800s, and the formulas have gotten smarter. 自從1880年代後,洗髮乳變得更溫和,連配方在那之後的125年內. in the 125 years since then.

  5. Hair We Share 是一個非營利組織,免費提供假髮給由於健康因素落髮的人。 So, most people, when they think hair loss, they think cancer. 提到落髮,大部分人會想到癌症。 We're way more than that.

  6. Because yesterday, you had a bad hair day. 因為昨天你的髮型糟透了。. (註:bad hair day 有「因為髮型不好看而感覺那一天都不順心」之意)。. And yesterday, you decided to see your friend for lunch. 不巧的是,你昨天約了你的朋友吃午餐。. But today, the excellent hair day is the day you want to ...

  7. 學這些英文用法:嘗試,改變,指甲,身材,信用卡,害羞,融入,廣場,性感,鏡子,放下,購物,展現,隱藏,受傷,頭髮,看法,女孩,看看,想,卸,苗條,挑選,燙捲,頭法

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