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  1. 你可能會看到小孩到處跑,踢倒東西. 上機前,上機後,要避免的惹人厭舉動。. 學這些英文用法:機場,行李,小孩,飛機,反對,筆電,脫掉,安檢,插座,籃子,中學,直接,拿掉,外套,袋子,耳機,手機,影片,口袋,拿出,行為,準備好,受傷,拜託,看到,檢查,海關,過重,絆倒,腰帶 ...

  2. 我們建議您航程中全程繫好安全帶. Should you need to explore, it can always be undone. 若您想要起身舒展,可以隨時解下安全帶. If an oxygen mask should fall before you, simply pull down on the mask, place over your nose and mouth. 當氧氣罩落下,只需要簡單地下拉,將您的口鼻罩住. and tighten by ...

  3. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  4. The latest, most effective tool. for child tantrum prevention! It's simple. Just douse a rag with our patented sleepy time formula, - (muffled screams) -Place it over your child's cry hole, Press and hold gently for 8-12 seconds and presto! No more tantrum! I was beginning to think adoption was the only way out.

  5. 當安全帶指示燈亮起時 *安全帶指示燈的聲音 *. "Ladies and gentlemen as you may have noticed we have reached our cruising altitude currently sitting at 23 000 feet above sea level. 「女士們先生們,你們可能已經注意到,我們已經到達了巡航高度,目前位於海拔23000英尺。. Cruising at about 720km ...

  6. In the event of an emergency evacuation, leave the aircraft following the exit signs in the illuminated path along the aisle or between the seats. 面臨緊急疏散時,走道或座位間將亮起,請沿著出口燈號疏散離開飛機。. As you exit, please leave all hand luggage, high heels, and sharp objects behind, not to impede the ...

  7. 先確定你要搭的飛機機型,上 或 確認。 Click on any seat to see its pros and cons . 點選座位查看它的優缺點。

  1. 搭飛機遇小孩哭鬧 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 10 萬 位使用者造訪過

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