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  1. 大家好,我今天要示範台灣滷肉飯。 4 tbsp cooking oil. 4湯匙食油. 5 chopped shallot. 5切碎的香蔥. 1 tbsp minced garlic. 1湯匙蒜末. stir fry until fragrant. 翻炒爆香. 2 dried mushroom, soaked and cut into slices. 2香菇,浸泡,切成片. 300g minced pork meat. 300克碎豬肉. 2 tbsp dark soy sauce. 2湯匙老抽. mix evenly. 混合均勻. 1 ginger slice. 1薑片. 1 star anise. 1八角. 2 tbsp sugar. 2湯匙糖.

  2. 我說的是一道叫 "滷飯肉 "的菜,是用醬汁燴豬肚,澆在米飯上,再配上各種配菜。

  3. If you've ever made French fries, you have to wash the potatoes, 如果你想自製炸薯條,首先必須清洗馬鈴薯. you have to peel the potatoes, you have to slice the potatoes, you have to fry them in a lot of oil. 將馬鈴薯削皮、切片,炸薯條的油量必須多到不行. You have to spatter your entire stovetop. 放入的 ...

  4. 我不懂為什麼這樣,但有時候生活中最美好的事物是無法解釋的。 Taiwan is also home to the world famous soup filled dumplings made at Din Tai Fung restaurant . 台灣也是世界知名鼎泰豐小籠包的家鄉。

  5. Welcome to DuDu Dining. Do you have a reservation? 哈囉,歡迎來到嘟嘟餐館,你有訂位嗎? No. Do you have a table for 1? 沒有,你有一人的位子嗎? Yes of course, right this way. 當然有,這邊請. Is this table ok? 這個座位 OK 嗎? Yeah, it's good. Can I have the menu? 嗯可以,可以給我菜單嗎? Of course. Here you go. I'll be back when you're ready to order. 沒問題,給你。

  6. 蔬菜分成兩種:澱粉類如馬鈴薯、玉米、豌豆和大蕉;非澱粉類如西葫蘆、涼薯、小黃瓜、胡蘿蔔和沙拉。. If you have diabetes, fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables, then fill 1/4 with whole grains or starches like brown rice, corn, beans, or whole wheat pasta. 如果你有糖尿病,可以在 ...

  7. 好吧,那我們今天煮甚麼東西呢? Well , we are starting by making a sauce for some spaghetti bolognese . 好,我們一開始先開始準備義大利麵肉醬所需要的醬料。

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