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  1. 我們用烤雞所滴下那最精華的湯汁來做義大利. out of it, it's going to blow you away. 這香味四溢的美味會向你席捲而來. So first of all we're going to make the marinade, which is going to turn into the sauce. 首先呢,我們要來做醃料,也就是我們待會要用到的醬汁. okay so we got some thyme here, we've got some basil as well. 我們手邊有些百里香,還有些羅勒葉.

  2. 第一件事情:修剪雞胸肉. This is a supreme of chicken. 這是整隻雞中最精華部分. We've taken out the filet. 我們要是雞胸片. Basically, that's the tender. 這塊基本上是最軟部分. You don't need that on there. 你們不需要用到另外一半. Lay it down. 把它平放在沾板. Take a knife, put your hand on, and just literally slice into the middle all the way over. 拿起一把刀子,就從中間直接切下去.

  3. 乾燥義大利麵的配方很簡單。 It only takes durum wheat, semolina flour and water to make dough. 只需要硬粒小麥、粗麵粉和水就可以做麵糰。 Barilla then takes the dough and turns it into 103 different shapes, including long strands of spaghetti and bow ties of farfalle. Barilla 將麵糰揉成 103 種不同的形狀,包括長條義大利細麵和義大利蝴蝶麵。

  4. 艾利克斯:今年我們請到地下室混音小子、. Rizzle Kicks, Mark Owen's coming, Lianne La Havas is coming, Cuban Brothers your favourite. Rizzle Kicks、馬克歐文,Lianne La Havas也會來,還有你最喜歡古巴兄弟。. Jamie: Maybe some people out there don't know that you love food and this is your cheese.

  5. 這是錯!. Now I'm gonna show you the right way to sauce your pasta. 現在我要示範正確的義大利麵調味方法。. Take the hot pasta out of the pasta water, and put it inside the pot with the hot sauce. 把滾燙的義大利麵從水中撈出,放入一鍋熱醬料裡。. And we're gonna cook it together like a minute, that ...

  6. Place the mentaiko into a large bowl. Add the lemon juice, a sprinkle of soy sauce and mix with a balloon whisk. This will help cover the fishy smell of the mentaiko. Next, add the olive oil a little at a time and mix with the whisk. Now, the sauce is done! Next, let's prepare the toppings.

  7. 第一個最明顯原因:把襯衫掛在鉤子。 This doesn't make sense, however, because if you hang your shirt on a hook by that loop, it will become wrinkled quickly. 這一點道理都沒有,因為如果你把用小圓環把襯衫掛起來,襯衫一下就變皺了。 The second could be a way to help you fasten your tie easier. 第二個原因是為了讓你更容易繫好領帶。 The last purpose is more romantic. 最後一個原因比較浪漫。

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