Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Number eight: success is personal. 第八:成功是個人的。. During your 20s and 30s, all of your friends will be in completely different places; some will be single living their best life, others will be married, others will be getting married or having kids. 在你20多和30多的時候,你所有的朋友都會在完全不同的 ...

  2. Normally, the process of aging in the human body starts at middle age around 45. 通常人的老化出現在中年約45. The process and its effects depend on both, the genetic as well as environmental factors. 老化過程受到基因和環境影響. Aging causes some amount of reduction in the rate of human cell multiplication. 老化導致人體細胞增殖速率下降.

  3. The rule that we use in the FIRE community is called the 4% Rule. 我們 FIRE 群裡用的規則叫做「4% 守則」。. How much you have saved up versus how much that you need to spend. 也就是拿儲蓄金額和花費金額來做比較。. If it's 4% of it, then you can retire safely and never need to work again. 如果每年花費金額 ...

  4. 在我們的生長過程中,從孩童到成人的轉換階段稱為青春期,你知道還有另一個身體巨變的時期嗎?college humor 戲稱它為 second puberty,讓我們一起來笑笑吧!1puberty0:15 puberty 是青春期,是當我們出現第一性徵及第二性徵,身體逐漸成熟的階段,大約10~17左右。有點相似的字是 adolescence...

  5. 青春期時會開始第一次重大的轉變,你的聲音開始沉。 This happens when your larynx grows in size , elongating the vocal folds and opening up more room for them to vibrate . 長大的喉部會延長聲帶,開闢更大的振動空間。

  6. 我們一定都有失意的時候:剛跟交往五年的女朋友分手、剛被老闆罵一頓、準備了兩年的考試差一分及格..... 其實我 20出頭的時候,也跟我當時的未婚夫分手,當時的我一團糟,只好搬回家與父母同住,因為我悲痛欲絕,不知道該怎麼辦。

  7. 沒錢沒時間學英文嗎?沒關係!每日口說挑戰是一個讓你每天只需要花五到十分鐘,而且不用花上任何一毛錢的學習平台,此外每天還有不同的講師針對不同的影片作發音以及字彙教學,聽完講解你還可以朗讀句子錄音磨刀小試一番,和其他 VoiceTubers 一起切磋學習,有機會還能獲得講師的親自 ...