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  1. In a 2014 study done for DARPA by a security company, half of our "random" passwords use. the same five patterns to construct that "randomization." Because nothing's actually random -- we have a video about it. Hackers know this and just copy those methods and add them to the pile of known passwords.

  2. 2024年3月9日 · 為了消除使用者對隱私權的疑慮,臉書表示,使用者的財務資訊會跟社群網路數據分開處理。 句子選自此影片: 臉書也出加密貨幣了! 90 秒看懂 Libra (Libra, Facebook's new cryptocurrency, explained)

  3. 我們的愛,我們相信他能善解人意,理解我們的需求。. The ruptures are often quite small, and to outside observers perhaps imperceptible: one. 裂縫往往很小,外界觀察者或許無法察覺:一是,在一個人的身體裡,有一個人的身體裡,有一個人的身體裡,有一個人的身體裡。. person ...

  4. 提到專案,如果事情無法在經過一連串的步驟完成,你得將這件事專案處理,在腦力激盪出每一個完成任務所需要的步驟。. Start practicing these simple things and you'll find that your mind is clear and you're knocking out tasks one at a time. 只要開始練習這些簡單的規則,你會發現你的 ...

  5. 「密碼分析」處理的是讓你解不開的訊息. Decipherment works with messages that were once plainly readable, 「解碼」則是處理曾經可以讀得懂的訊息. but aren't any more thanks to accidents of history. 這些訊息因為歷史上的種種意外現在無法閱讀了. So, as you'll see in next Friday's video, which contains both, hidden codes often use characters we recognize to hide a secret message,

  6. 要指控別人犯罪要達成幾點要素。 You have to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that they committed the illegal act. 你得提出合理證據某人犯了法。 But another part of it is establishing that they did so with criminal intent. 另一點是提出某人是故意的。 They acted knowingly or maliciously. 某人知情且故意為之。

  7. 如果他們弄錯了並封鎖了一個真實的使用者,那事情會看起來像不合理的偏見。. That meant that for years, the best you could do to fight robocalls was installing a third-party app on your phone. 這意味著多年來,對抗自動語音電話的最好辦法就是在手機上安裝第三方應用程式。. As long as ...

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