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  1. 一具屍體,承載層層不可告人的秘. 因愛、忌妒、不安而生的慾望. 纏繞「平安社區」老公寓. 燒腦劇情反轉再反轉… 不到最後一刻,不知道兇手是誰⋯. 首集免費看. 2/7前訂閱. 回饋 1 張單片租借券! (限本活動訂閱連結) 再抽限量好禮. 【主演簽名官方T恤】 或. 【影集小說限量盒裝版】 隨機出貨共贈40名. 三個月優惠方案一次追! ·【一般訂閱】1個帳號只要 499 元. ·【超值訂閱】3個獨立帳號共享. 每帳號每月只要 100 元. 立即訂閱. CATCHPLAY+ 金獎原創台劇. 懸疑影劇看不完. 強檔電影隨租立即看. 立即訂閱. 犯罪推理旗艦台劇《非殺人小說》CATCHPLAY+重磅上架!

  2. In 2014, in addition to distributing the movies CATCHPLAY loves, we embarked in earnest co-production and investment projects, venturing into content creation. In the same year, we invested in the locally produced film, Paradise in Service and co-produced 20 Once Again with CJ Entertainment for the Chinese market. ...

  3. 如何排除播放相關問題? 檢視所有 11 篇文章. 快速連結. 1. 播放問題排除. 2.

  4. 【加入會員,即享綜藝戲劇電影多元免費看】CATCHPLAY+ 是為電影愛好者而生的影音平台!商業新片與藝術好片隨播即看,豐富電影影劇資訊帶你輕鬆找到好片,享受電影好時光。獨家台劇線上看平台,收看最新進度首選CATCHPLAY+。

  5. 2020年7月15日 · PRIVACY POLICY. Effective Date: July 15th, 2020. CATCHPLAY+ is a service provider of Internet streaming media, offering service for discovering and watching digitized versions of movies and television series. This service, including all features and functionalities, website, and user interfaces, as well as all content and software associated ...