Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. "Bytes for All (B4All) is a networked space for citizens in South Asia. It experiments, highlights and organizes debate on the relevance of ICT to development activities. South Asia - often considered as an ICT powerhouse, is also the home of highest number of poor people in the World.

  2. DTN is a project of The Deep Time Journey Network, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit in Princeton New Jersey, founded to build a global community, offer courses, and share resources. It’s a vision of community in which everyone is source and where connecting and collaborating mirrors the way the universe itself evolves through new partnerships."

  3. Description. Liam 'Akiba' Wright: "A prime example of the potential innovation possible through quadratic funding, the Public Goods Network (PGN), a new collaborative project backed by core’ Gitcoiners,’ is shifting the paradigm of public goods funding.

  4. Description. • "The Wiki serves a global hub for emergency agencies, government, community agencies and NGOs, business, education, health, media and the public to use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. • The vision of the Wiki is to help build resilient communities empowered with the knowledge to ...

  5. "Morshed Mannan is a Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute. His research focuses on blockchain governance, particularly within the ERC project ‘BlockchainGov’, and more broadly on cooperative governance.

  6. Our programme is simple: 1.Our school or community decides to reduce climate pollution by a certain number of tonnes. 2. We work together to collect data and estimate the pollution reductions we have achieved. 3. We use an Upside-down thermometer to track our progress based on how much we have reduced the Earth's temperature. 4.

  7. "Human use of land for agriculture and settlements — the key social-ecological infrastructures that sustain humanity — has already transformed more than three-quarters of the terrestrial biosphere into anthropogenic biomes, or anthromes , yielding a host of novel ecologies characterized by their sustained direct interactions with human populatio...

  8. 2020年4月13日 · First, we apply our collective attention onto the challenge at hand, then we develop interventions that successfully transform our collective behavior, which in turn bends the curve. In a nutshell, the moment we focus our global attention on one single issue, there is nothing we can’t do."

  9. Dmytri Kleiner is the author of The Telekommunist Manifesto, and a contributing artist to the “Miscommunication Technologies” continuing series of artworks in collaboration with the Telekommunisten Network.

  10. Description. "The diamond is a map that points to three phases that groups pass through as they move from questions to insights. Groups begin with divergent thinking, sit for a while in the chaos and uncertainty of “The Groan Zone” and later move into convergent thinking."