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  1. Other doctors, like food microbiologist Donald Schaffner, tell The Guardian that there is absolutely no need to go through the trouble of disinfecting your groceries. 其他醫生如食品微生物學家 Donald Schaffner 也向英國衛報表示,完全不需要消毒你在超市買的雜貨。. He said: "Right now there's no evidence that ...

  2. Simply use a 7-inch plate for children and a 9-inch plate for adults. 簡單地為小孩準備 7 吋的的盤子,大人則使用 9 吋的。. First, divide the plate in half and fill one of them with vegetables. 首先,將盤子分半並用青菜填滿其中一半。. There are two types of vegetables, starchy like potatoes, corn, peas, or ...

  3. 買了鑄鐵卻總是沾,好難保養?讓西餐大廚來「鑄」你一臂之力!(The Best Way To Clean and Season a Cast Iron Skillet | Epicurious) 23561 365 Jeff Chiao 發佈於 2022 年 03 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 ...

  4. 你有任何推薦的嗎? You can try our bubble tea. 你可以試試珍珠奶茶。 If you don 't like it too sweet, you can decide the sweetness yourself. 如果你不想太甜,你可以自己選擇你要的糖度。 One to ten. 甜度一到十。 You can also decide the amount of ice. 你也

  5. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  6. B1 中級 中文 咖啡 椰奶 肉桂 香草 牛奶 飲料 提升英語口說能力系列:一起練習如何在星巴克點飲料!(Improve your Speaking At Home with this simple method / English Speaking

  7. 哈囉我是阿滴!. Today I'll be teaching 10 English phrases about ordering in a restaurant. 今天我要來教你十句在點餐的時候可以使用的英文!. Welcome back to 10 English Phrases series. 歡迎回到十句常用英文句子系列. Today it's extremely useful. 那今天的話,非常地實用喔!. It's about ordering ...

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