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  1. The stock photos began when a photographer contacted me, when he saw my selfies on the social media. 會開始拍圖庫照片是因為一位攝影師看到我在社群媒體上的自拍後來聯繫我。. And he was saying that he was seeking a character like me and invited me to shoot some images. 他說他正在找像我這樣的人物 ...

  2. Emergency workers in Taiwan are looking for dozens of people who are still missing after the island was hit by its strongest earthquake of this century. 臺灣發生本世紀最強烈地震後,緊急救援人員正在尋找數十名失蹤人員。. At least 10 people were killed and serious damage is reported all around Taiwan. 據報導 ...

  3. 還在惱怒幫你拍照的人都不會拍美照嗎其實一張漂亮的照片可不能只仰賴王牌攝影師 pose 的人也非常重要或是你如果跟小 V 一樣很懶得學習攝影技巧也可以看看這部影片它會教你如何簡單拍出自然的好照片

  4. Instagram上的沒化妝,沒濾鏡,沒照片。 I'm not even wearing any make up right now. 我甚至連現在都沒有化妝。 Oh snap ! I finally finish my hair in make up, only took about like two hours. 噢太好了!我終於整理好我的頭髮了,只花了我大概2個小時而已。 ...

  5. 100%. 90%. 由 AI 自動生成. 單字即點即查點擊單字可以查詢單字解釋. A2 初級 中文 海嘯 日本 警報 地震 小時 疏散. 日本石川發生7.6強震後發出海嘯警報 (Tsunami warning in Japan after strong earthquake | BBC News) 27402202. 林宜悉 發佈於 2024 年 01 月 02 日. 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報.

  6. 關於從太空中拍攝的第一張地球照片有一個很有趣的故事。. The idea was that this photograph occasioned a profound shift in our understanding of ourselves. 大致上是說,這張照片偶然引起了我們在自我認知上的深刻轉變。. You see, for the first time in human history we could look back at our planet ...

  7. to the ISS with all the necessary components to make graphene aerogel in space -- basically. 攜帶所有必要的組件到國際空間站,以便在太空中製造墨烯氣凝膠 -- 基本上是. using the same two-step process outlined earlier. The first step, making the hydrogel, is actually. 使用前面概述的相同的兩步過程 ...

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