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  1. 聯準會已經明確表示他們現在正在從升息轉向降息。 So we do think that mortgage rates will come down a little bit in 2024 not a time , not down to the pandemic era rates , but a little bit and that ' ll help .

  2. 提高利率來防止通貨膨脹來看聯準會怎麼做紐約時報 (Fed Rates Explained in a Rube Goldberg Machine | The New York Times) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. When the FED wants to fight inflation, it raises interest rates, which sets up a chain reaction in the economy. 當聯準會想要對抗通貨膨脹時,其做法是提高利率,從而引發經濟連鎖反應。 We build this machine to show you how it works. 我們製作了這個機器,以說明其運作方式。

  3. 主要想法是如果它可以展現其可信度必定會採取行動讓通膨降到 2%, then maybe it won 't have to , you know , raise interest rates and then lower them in this kind of seesaw fashion .

  4. 知道了通貨膨脹總的來說是什麼後,許多人想知道通貨膨脹為什麼發生,以及如何預防它以目前速度繼續加速發展。

  5. 一些經濟學家認為,白領工作的放緩更像是恢復到大流行前的水準。. the boost in blue-collar pay is keeping spending elevated, even during inflation. 即使在通脹期間,藍領工資的增長也使支出保持高位,時薪兩年來首次超過通脹。. Hourly earnings surpassed inflation for the first time in two ...

  6. 2020年5月15日 · 沒錢沒時間學英文嗎?沒關係!每日口說挑戰是一個讓你每天只需要花五到十分鐘,而且不用花上任何一毛錢的學習平台,此外每天還有不同的講師針對不同的影片作發音以及字彙教學,聽完講解後你還可以朗讀句子錄音磨刀小試一番,和其他 VoiceTubers 一起切磋學習,有機還能獲得講師的親自 ...

  7. And in the far future, Mars colonists might get a little homesick, so then they just go ahead and jump into CAVE3, and visit sweet home Chicago. 在遙遠的未來,火星殖民者思鄉時,只需跳進 CAVE 3,就可以回到甜蜜的家鄉——芝加哥。. displays have already taken you to alien worlds in the movies. 有可能嗎?.

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