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  1. 用電影、音樂、脫口秀影片. 輕鬆聽懂英語、說好英文. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!. 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。. 是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。.

  2. 是個男孩! There's only one problem, 現在只有一個問題. the boyfriend who think he's the father really isn't. 認為自己是孩子生父的女孩男友並不是真正的生父. The baby's not John's. 孩子不是 John 的. Worse yet, the expected mom has no plans to tell her boyfriend the truth. 更嚴重的是,這位準媽媽並不打算告訴男友真相. He thinks he's about to become a dad. 他以為他就要當爸爸了. -It's a boy. -Oh my God! -是個男孩! -我的天啊!

  3. 謝謝 謝謝 這就是我們表達愛的方式 我爸爸仍然每天給我打 20 多通電話,只是為了檢查我的情況 這很煩人,但我明白這就是他表達愛的方式 我在和我的朋友哈拉時,他說,哦,我已經三個星期沒和我爸爸說話了 我想,他在監獄裡幹什麼?. He's like no I live with him ...

  4. 但是所有母親節影片中的評論都在說。. Well, now you are gonna make a Father's Day video because if you don't, that's sexist. 那你現在得做一個父親節影片,因為如果你不做的話就是性別歧視。. I don't have a mom, so if you don't make a Father's Day video, that's not fair to me. 我沒有媽媽,所以 ...

  5. 他在中國大陸上了一檔節目,叫《小爸爸》。 Half a billion people watch that show. 有 5 億人在看這個節目。 It's like the "Big Bang Theory" of China and Richard blew up. 就像中國版的《生活大爆炸》,理查就爆紅了。 And he was like, "This is easy. I don't know." 他說:「這很簡單呀。 我也不知道。 My plane completely backfired. 我的計劃造成反效果。 And my aunt in Shanghai, she watched the show, and she will call the house in L.A.

  6. 影片播放. Dear Daddy, I just wanted to thank you for looking after me so well, even though I'm not yet born. 親愛的爸爸,我想謝謝你如此照顧我,即使我還在媽媽肚子裡。 I know you already try harder than Superman. 我知道你已經比超人還要努力地呵護我們。 You won't even let Mommy eat sushi. 你甚至不讓媽媽吃壽司。 But I need to ask you a favor. 但我需要請你幫個忙。 Warning: it's about boys. 警告:是關於男孩的事。

  7. 吉米就是一個聽起來很簡單,很隨便的英文名字。 And my dad, he named himself Richard. 我爸爸給自己取名理查。 I was like, "Dad, why did you name yourself Richard?" 我當時問:「爸爸,你為什麼給自己取名理查? He was like, "Because I want to be rich." That makes so much sense. 他說:「因為我想成為有錢人。 」這取名的邏輯太有道理了。 And then they named my older brother Roger after the James Bond actor Roger Moore.

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