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  1. B1 中級 中文 衣服 拉鍊 標籤 戴上 風格 穿著 和Fancy Nancy一起學習如何穿衣服?| 學前班的準備工作|迪士尼少年班 (Learn How to Get Dressed with Fancy Nancy ? | Ready for

  2. 穿 Canada Goose 到美國竟然可能會被搶劫?一起看看這個外套好在哪裡!(Why Canada Goose Jackets Are So Expensive | So Expensive) 30995 298 ayane 發佈於 2023 年 02 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube ...

  3. Okay, we're not waiting that long. 好喔,但我們不會等那麼久。. Okay, let me know when we're actually ready. 好喔,等我們真的準備好了再告訴我。. We're actually ready right now. Don't get comfortable! 我們現在就已經好了,不要鬆懈下來。. (You've got mail)

  4. Or that you can do with a little more subtlety, which is what I typically prefer. 也可以搭得低調一點,我個人通常偏好這樣搭。. Third rule is to make sure that you have one pattern that is bolder and one pattern that is more subtle. 第三個原則是,圖案一強一弱作調配。. If you had two bold patterns, for example ...

  5. 旅遊實用篇學這些英文用法:阿滴英文,手套,粉色,商品,購物,阿滴,請問,店員,美麗,尺寸,買到,中文,影片,想要,看到,沒關係,衣服 ...

  6. 看我飛翔,我'自豪地飛上高空,讓你看看我最好的,直到時間的盡頭。. Belive me I can fly~I'm singing in the sky, show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky. 相信我,我會飛~我'在天空中歌唱,讓你看看我最好的,天空中的天堂。. Nothing can stop me, spread my wings. 沒有什麼能阻止 ...

  7. 所以,你們可以用 rainy 這個字形容外面有點下毛毛雨的情況。. And you can also talk about rainy days. 你們也可以用 rainy 這個字形容外面有點下雨的狀況。. So: "I love rainy days, on rainy days, I love to stay inside, and read a book, watch a movie." 像是:「我喜歡下雨天 (rainy days)。. 下雨 ...