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  1. 可樂旅行社 相關

  2. 澎湖追風音樂節開幕,三日遊參與盛典;體驗誘釣海鱺魚、飽嚐肥美鮮蚵,放鬆身心,瞭望海的美麗. 來南環島度假!體驗垂釣樂趣、入住特色民宿,享受狂歡音樂節,即刻報名,探索海峽最閃耀的明珠


  1. In the reach for the most general principles, the term communities is seldom used analytically as the agent of collective action in formal studies, the starting point of analysis is always “groups” as in “groups of self-organized principals” or “forest user groups”, not communities as such.

  2. Description. "The function and goal of this paper is to explore the DCO model in greater length to establish the benefits and limits of a DCO, and to begin to examine how the concept of a DCO can be brought into existence.

  3. Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Examples
    • Apps and Shared Data Platforms
    • Status
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    1. "Cooperative structures could enable the creation of open data and personal data stores for mutual benefit; they could rebalance what many perceive as asymmetric relationship between data subjects (people with personal data) and data users (people who use data to develop services and products)."(

    "In summary data cooperatives; 1. are owned by their membership and therefore should be more accountable; 2. have the potential put a halt to the over collection of personal data through representing data subjects and 3. advocating on their behalf; 4. can create value for their membership; 5. can form around single issues or scale with many data su...

    First six collated by Trebor Scholz and Igor Calzada : Salus Coop, is a non-profit data cooperative for health research (referring to health data and lifestyle-related data more broadly, such as data that captures the number of steps a person takes in a day), founded in Barcelona in September 2017. Salus aims to create a citizen-driven collaborativ...

    Decentralized Platform for Real-Time Data‎, see

    Igor Calzada, 2023: (in the context of E-Diasporas) "Data cooperatives are organizations that allow individuals to share their personal data for mutual benefit (Calzada, 2021b). For e-diasporas, data cooperatives could be used to collect and analyze data on their members to better understand their needs and provide more effective support. Additiona...

    "Information which might be relevant to anyone buying anything is valuable, and can be sold. Naturally, the more money is at stake, the higher the price of information relevant to that purchase. Some information about a person can be used in this way over and over again. Given this, it should be possible for people themselves to profit from giving information about themselves. And in small ways, they already do: store cards give a little return for the information about your purchases. But on...

    Annemarie Naylor

    From a summary of the Berlin Open : Data : Cooperation event on the 20th October 2014, by Annemarie Naylor et al: "Our modern, technologised society exists on data. Our everyday interactions leave a trace that is often invisible and unknown to us. The services that we interact with, the daily transactions that we make and the way we negotiate through our everyday generate data, building a picture of who we are and what we do. This data also enables aggregators to predict, personalise and inte...

    Patient-Owned Data Cooperative: Savvy Coop
    Driver-Owned Data Cooperative: Driver’s Seat Data Coop
  4. Collaborative Lifestyles. = one of three forms of Collaborative Consumption identified by Rachel Botsman et al.: It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

  5. Natalie Pang (Assistant Professor, Division of Information Studies, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University) obtained her Ph.D. in Information Management, Social Science from Monash University in 2009, where her research was also awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Commendation for Doctoral thesis excellen...

  6. For a list of pages see Category:South Korea.Check out the Diigo Tags P2P-Korea ; See for more broad coverage: http ...

  1. 可樂旅行社 相關

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