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  1. "The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is a crisp, clean, and modern device based on Nikola Tesla’s public domain design". In March 2014 the fabrication manual of the QEG was published as Open Source. The PESWiki (Pure Energy Systems) qualifies the project as one of the five of the best exotic technologies we've found so far, which are closest ...

  2. Heaven is pure yang, Earth is pure yin. Six terrestrial processes (water, wind, lighting, etc., the result of the interaction between Heaven and Earth), are degrees or stages of yin and yang. The 64 hexagrams, the Eight Trigrams in all possible combinations, are further differentiations of yin-yang stages.

  3. This is the comprehensive list of participants, in alphabetical order by last name, of the Economics Commons Conference 2013 . A as yet incomplete draft list of participants per country is available here. For a list of organizational affiliations, see here. If your name is missing, or for any change, write to michel at p2pfoundation dot net.