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  1. The goal—especially in the modern complex and fast-changing environment—is to transition out of our current crisis in economy and environment towards a society that is both knowledge-based and sustainable. The four keywords so central to SLOC—small, local, open and connected—are meaningful because they are, at the same time, visionary ...

  2. "A century has passed since Kropotkin challenged the British evolutionists. How has a hundred years of accumulated scientific knowledge influenced the debate over fierce competition versus mutual cooperation as the primary mechanism of species survival? Relevant evidence comes mainly from two sources: biology (particularly ecology) and social psychology.

  3. Chinese Translation of Political Economy of Peer Production. 对等生产(Peer Production)的政治经济学. 作者:Michael Bauwens,, Political Economy of Peer Production. Translator: Xiangjun KONG < >, Sponsor: Jan Van den Bergh < > for i-merge interactive ...