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  1. In 1900, I founded Tokyo Women’s Medical School, the predecessor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University, with the purpose of improving the social position of women, who had very little status at that time. For women to improve their status, they needed to attain financial independence.

  2. Overview. At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tokyo Women's Medical University, three hospitals, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, Adachi Medical Center, and Yachiyo Medical Center, are working as a team to provide medical treatment, research, and education.

  3. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College (TWMC) in 1952.

  4. Overview. Neurosurgery is a medical specialty fields that focuses on diagnosis, surgical treatment, and basic research on diseases of the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and their accessory organs (blood vessels, bones, muscles, etc.).

  5. 経歴. 1989年3月東邦大学薬学部薬学科卒業. 1989年4月東邦大学医学部付属大森病院薬剤部. 1996年4月聖路加国際病院薬剤部. 2009年3月星薬科大学大学院医療薬学博士取得. 2011年4月聖隷浜松病院薬剤部 薬剤部長. 2018年4月聖隷横浜病院薬剤部 薬剤部長. 2024年4月東京 ...

  6. 2019年には、日本医学教育評価機構の認証評価で適合を獲得し、2026年に2回目の認証評価を受審の予定です。. 2019年の認証評価では、臨床実習の更なる充実を求められたため、2024年度からは、臨床実習の必修科を増加し、臨床実習の開始時期を5年生の4月から4 ...

  7. 氏名 役職 E-mail address 岡本 高宏 教授 飯原 季 准教授 堀内喜代美 助教 坂本 明子 助教 児玉ひとみ 助教(出張中) 川真田明子 助教 鈴木 留美 助教 吉田 有策 医療練士 神戸 雅子 非常勤講師 猪狩 祐和