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  1. › wiki › PreesonPreeson - Wikipedia

    A preeson (frae Auld French prisoun) [1] kent as the Jyle, the kittie or the towbuith an aw, is a place that fowk is pheesically confined an, uisually, deprived o a reenge o personal freedoms. Impreesonment or incarceration is a lawsome penalty that micht be imposed bi the state for the commeesion o a crime. Ither terms uised is penitentiary ...

  2. › wiki › Honda_XRMHonda XRM - Wikipedia

    Honda XRM. The Honda XRM is an unnerbone -style motorbike that is produced an sauld in the Philippines. It is cawed Nice in Thailand but no an Aff-Road type [1]. Since 2001, the Honda XRM haes been released wi a 110 cc ingine, but 2007 haes seen the release o the Honda XRM 125 cc which uises the ingine frae the Honda Wave.

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  4. › wiki › Lada_110Lada 110 - Wikipedia

    Lada 110 The Lada 110 (kent in Roushie as the VAZ-2110) is a Roushie sedan caur built bi AvtoVAZ since 1995. It an aa spawned twa close derivatives - the 111 estate an 112 hatchback.It wis ane o the first generation o Ladas produced efter the fall o communism, but afore foreign investment an partnerships influenced the direction o AvtoVAZ. ...

  5. › wiki › Toyota_YarisToyota Yaris - Wikipedia

    • First Generation
    • Seicont Generation
    • Third Generation

    First generation models wur mercatit atween 1999 an 2005 unner the "Yaris" an "Echo" names dependin on the mercat. Hatchback, coupe, an sedan body variantswur affered. 1. Hatchback: versions derive frae the Japanese-mercat Toyota Vitz. 2. Coupe an sedan: versions derive frae the Japanese-mercat Toyota Platz. 1. First generation hatchback Further in...

    Seicont generation models hae been mercatit syne 2005 unner the "Yaris" name warldwide. Hatchback an sedan body variantsare affered. 1. Hatchback: versions derive frae the Japanese-mercat Toyota Vitz. 2. Sedan: versions derive frae the Japanese-mercat Toyota Belta. 1. Seicont generation hatchback Further information: Toyota Vitz 2. Seicont generati...

    Third generation model's mass production began in late 2010. Hatchback an sedan body styles are offered. 1. Hatchback: versions derive frae the Japanese-mercat Toyota Vitz. 2. Sedan: versions derive frae the Asian-mercat Toyota Vios.

  6. Dern. In my defens God me defend is the motto o baith the Ryal coat o airms o the Kinrick o Scotland an Ryal coat o airms o the Unitit Kinrick uised in Scotland. [1] [2] Contemporar versions o the Ryal airms shaws the motto in the cutty form o IN DEFENS or, whaur Inglis is uised as an alternative tae Scots, IN DEFENCE. [3]

  7. The even-taed ungulates ( Artiodactyla) are ungulates ( huifed ainimals) whose wicht is borne aboot equally bi the third an fowert taes, rather than maistly or entirely bi the third as in odd-taed ungulates (perissodactyls), such as horse . ↑ Montgelard, Claudine; Catzeflis, Francois M.; Douzery, Emmanuel (1997).

  8. Clarence Clyde Seedorf ( Dutch pronunciation: [ˈklɛrəns ˈseːdɔrf] ( listen); born 1 Aprile 1976) is a Dutch fitbaw manager an umwhile fitbawer. Regairdit bi mony as ane o the best midfielders o his generation, in 2004, he wis chosen bi Pelé as pairt o the FIFA 100. Seedorf is ane o the maist decorated Dutch players ever, an haes wan ...