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  1. 學會 321 訣竅,讓你今天開始不再拖拖拉拉! (How To Stop Procrastinating - The 321 Trick) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. When I was in college, I was the type of person that would hit the snooze button at least four times before finally waking up just to rush out the door. 當我在大學時,我是那種至少會按四次貪睡鍵才終於起床、匆忙趕出門的人。 Because, guess what? 但你猜怎麼著? I was already late for class.

  2. 電動遊戲提供逃離現實的樂趣,雖然它們經常被一些人描述成暴力、懶惰浪費時間的東西。. 1get ahead of ourselves0:17 這是句俚語,不能直譯,意思類似於「還沒學會走就要準備飛」,或是「好高騖遠」。. 假設今天有個媽媽剛才生完小孩,就幫她的孩子買大人開 ...

  3. Choice Paralysis is when you have trouble making a decision because there's an overwhelming amount of different options to choose from. 選擇困難症指的是人因為有大量選項可選擇,而難以做出決定。 Maybe you've experienced it while trying to order from a lengthy diner menu or picking out paint colors. 也許你從冗長菜單中挑選菜色,或選油漆顏色時,就經歷過這種情況了。

  4. 現代人很常用「耍廢」這個字眼。耍廢時,時間不知不覺就嘩地過去了!你是不是和小 V 一樣覺得時間好無情,走得好快呢?我們該如何善用人生中的每個分秒?跟著小 V 觀看這支影片,一起學習如何善用時間吧! 1commodity0:01 commodity 是一個名詞,意思有「商品、經濟貨物 (農作、礦物)、有價值的 ...

  5. During this 5 to 10 minute stage, the electrical signals pulsing through your brain form theta waves. 在這五到十分鐘之間,大腦裡的電波會形成 theta 波。. The next 20 minutes is Stage 2. 接下來的二十分鐘則是第二階段。. The brain is producing rapid bursts of activity called sleep spindles, and the heart rate ...

  6. 在裡面有台螢幕,螢幕上有個人站在攝像頭的另一邊,她們告訴我搭乘那台電梯,不觸碰任何東西,我們將會設定程式引導電梯前往你的樓層。 This is Ed. 這是艾德。 I wanted to talk to him because in 2020, he was one of more than half a million people who went through a mandatory two- week quarantine, and then walked out into Taiwan. 我想和他談談,因為在2020年,他是50多萬人中的一員,他們經歷了為期兩週的強制隔離,然後走進台灣。 Ed has dual citizenship in Taiwan and Canada.

  7. When your brain realizes that you have more time to finish the job than you need, your brain will complicate the task to fill all the empty time. 當你的腦袋發現你擁有的時間多於你需要完成這項任務的時間,它就會把這項任務變得更複雜,以填滿那段額外的時間。. Here is how. When you just start ...

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