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  1. 到18世紀初,聖誕節掛長筒襪的習俗已經傳到了美國,人們已經拋棄了舊的髒襪子,而選擇了專門為這個季節設計的花式長筒襪。 And people were already ditching their old dirty socks in favor of fancy stockings designed specifically for the season .

  2. 台灣是個自然愛好者的樂園,幾乎所有景物都可在台灣找到。. 在這裡你能攀岩、衝浪、健行、騎單車。. 如果你熱愛戶外活動,那麼這裡很適合你。. I am currently riding around Sun Moon Lake on a beautiful protected bike path, and the great part is, there's plenty of places to stop, get off your ...

  3. Number 1: Rest before you go. 第一點:充足休息。 One of the simplest ways to improve your travel experience is to make sure you're well rested before you take off. 其中一個能最簡單的改善你旅遊方式,便是確保自己在起飛前好好休息。 Even better, the night before you fly adjust your watch to local time at your destination to help your body get adjusted. 甚至在出發前一晚,將手錶時間調成旅遊當地時間以調整作息。

  4. 台北有自然環境環繞,一趟公車或是健行就可以遠離塵囂。 Start your day with a slice of classic Taipei . 就以台北經典的一隅來展開你的一天吧!

  5. Here's how it works. 遊戲規則就是. We're gonna take turns drawing one of these cards. 我們兩個輪流抽這些卡片. Each card has five totally random questions on it, okay? 每張卡片上都有五個隨機的題目,可以嗎? One person asks the questions, the other person has to answer. 一人問卡片上的問題,另一個要在聽完問題後. each question as soon as it's asked, 馬上回答問題. and I mean immediately. 立馬回答喔!

  6. 登山健行和高山的空氣應該讓您飢腸轆轆了吧? So when it 's time to return to the city , head to the Shilin Night Market . 回到市區後,不妨直奔士林夜市大快朵頤一番。

  7. 我會做一件保暖的連衣裙,外套和褲子,然後把它們編成兩條長。 “ And I shall be happy to make them each a pair of fine shoes ,” said the shoemaker . “我會樂意為他們製作一雙精美的鞋子,”鞋匠說。