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  1. 沒有太多華麗的細節或額外的裝飾。. So, restrained. 你可以用樸實無華來形容。. Um, if you're describing works of art that are from a classical period, or either, or might mimic that style, you could say it has a "classical sensibility". 如果你要描述的是古典時期的藝術品,或者帶有古典風格,你 ...

  2. B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheEllenShow 鬍子 摔斷 引擎 降落傘 小聲. 【艾倫秀】大明星都有替身嗎?. 來看看李奧納多說說他拍片的經歷 (Leo's Bad Luck) 25758 1749. 采翎 發佈於 2021 年 07 月 05 日. 分享. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握 ...

  3. 正是臺灣畫家啟祥的故居. Born in 1910, 出生於1910年. Liu Chi-hsiang was one of the first Taiwanese artists to study abroad in Paris. 啟祥為首批前往巴黎留學的臺灣藝術家. Despite passing away in 1998, 儘管啟祥於1998年辭世. his influence can still be felt in the Taiwanese art scene even today. 他在 ...

  4. 康軒102年七上4課對話1 (P48 ) (康軒102年七上4課對話1 (P48 )) 847 43. 老 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 13 日. 分享.

  5. Watch on. 影片播放. You are on the cover of GLAMOUR, there you look gorgeous, congratulations on that. 你是這期GLAMOUR雜誌上封面,妳看起來美呆了,恭喜! Thank you! 謝謝! When I was reading an article here, they said. 當我在讀裡面的一篇文章時,他們說. What is the one thing you can teach a master class in? Uh-hm. 有沒有哪件事是妳超級擅長然後可以教別人的? 恩哼.

  6. Here are Screen Rant's 10 Movie Endings You Never Got To See. 這裡是Screen Rant所挑選的十大你沒看過的電影結局. The Wolf of Wall Street. 華爾街之狼. Marking the fifth time director Martin Scorsese and actor Leonardo DiCaprio teamed together, 馬丁史柯西斯跟李奧納多的第五次合作. The Wolf of Wall Street told ...

  7. A historic day for semiconductors here in Japan. 這是日本半導體行業歷史性的一天。 The world's biggest chip maker TSMC has formally opened its first fab here in Japan in Kumamoto Prefecture. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一家工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry.

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