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  1. 隨著 AI 驅動技術的需求激增台積電成為全球製造商的首選股價也隨之飆升

  2. 全球最大的晶片製造商台積電在日本熊本縣正式開設了第一家工廠。 It's now become the country's most advanced chip making facility and is set to give a major boost to Japan's tech industry. 現在,它已成為日本最先進的晶片製造設施,必將極大地推動日本科技產業的發展。 Tokyo has been spending billions of dollars trying to revive chip production at home, and it also gave considerable subsidies here to the Taiwanese company.

  3. 再往南走在熊本世界最大的芯片製造商臺積電擁有一個價值 7 美元的生產基地。 十億美元的工廠正在加緊生產,另一個在. The Japanese government is pouring a $28 billion into its chip revival strategy, with the city of Chitose experiencing a property boom as a result.

  4. 這些證券交易市場合起來,成為一個全球連結的市場。. 股票 證券 企業 交易 臉書 歐元. 上課啦!. 投資菜鳥一定要聽這堂股票速成班!. (How the Stock Exchange Works) 28637 545. ychiangm 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 06 日. 分享. 影片單字.

  5. 說到台灣的重要關鍵企業,人們都會提到一家叫做台積電的公司,它是一家晶片代工廠。 and they make chips and parts for so many different American companies as well as other companies around the world. 他們為來自美國與世界各地的許多公司製造晶片和

  6. So as we go through life our relationship with time changes. 是以,隨著我們的生活,我們與時間的關係發生了變化。. x1.0. 字幕與單字. 已審核. A2 初級 中文 時間 圖表 治療師 媽媽 在一起 父母. 時光荏苒,生命短暫,把時間花在重要的人事物上吧!. (Life is short (how to spend it ...

  7. A crash represents a steep, sudden decline in the value of market prices, and they can often lead to an economic depression. 崩盤是指股市市值急遽下跌,往往會導致經濟蕭條。. The most devastating crashes are usually the result of an overly-inflated market, also known as a "bubble". 最具破壞性的的市場崩盤通常是 ...

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