Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Thursday- shifty shifty. We're down to 64 as the sun spirals into depression as it ponders. its ignorance about its existence and purpose in a universe it ignored in favor of looking. cool in shades. Uh, but we're back with Friday — the sun gets cool new shades at 78 degrees. That's your 5 day weather forecast, thanks for being with us.

  2. 所以,你回家後就看天氣預報。. The weather forecast is the prediction for the next day or week of what the weather will be like. 天氣預報是預測未來一天或一週的天氣情況。. The weather forecast tells you that tomorrow, it will begin with a bit of frost on the ground, and it will be sleeting. 天氣預報告訴你 ...

  3. 哈囉,我是Emma,而在今天的課程中我們將學習天氣相關的用語. Okay, weather expressions. So I will teach you 10 new expressions that have to do with. 好的,天氣相關用語。. 所以我會教你們10個新的用法,有關. wind, rain, storm, thunder, and weather. Okay? So let's get started. 風,雨,暴風雨 ...

  4. 廣東的天氣預報員稱形勢嚴峻。 The area is prone to flooding , but state media reports that water levels are at their highest for half a century . 該地區容易發生洪水,但據國家媒體報道,目前的水位是半個世紀以來最高的。

  5. 基本上是在地震後發生的一個大波浪或是一連串的大波浪,所有. the seas or the oceans starts moving around, sometimes it moves on to the land and just. 海裡的水或是海洋開始移動,有時候它會移動到陸地上或是. destroys everything. I think everybody probably remembers the tsunami from 2006 or so in ...

  6. 今天的天氣預報說西南風每小時 30 公里陣風每小時 70 公里。 A 30 kilometer per hour wind isn 't too bad . 每小時 30 公里不算太強。

  7. (Sci Show - 快速小知識) If you've ever paid close attention to the humidity levels on your phone's weather app, you might have noticed that they always seem to make no sense. 如果你曾經仔細關注過手機天氣預報 App 上的溼度,你可能已經發現它們似乎總是不太合理。 Like, in the summer, your app can say there's 75% humidity, and you'll be sticky and sweaty. 例如,在夏天,應用程式顯示濕度為 75% ,你會全身黏糊糊,還滿頭大汗。

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