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  1. 2023年11月1日 · 挑戰紀錄. 28 29 30 31 1 2 3. 累計挑戰 0 天. 今日挑戰句子. 聽聽句子怎麼說. When you dissolve the powder in hot liquid, the collagen separates into individual fibers. 當粉末在熱液體中溶解時, 膠原蛋白會變成單獨的纖維。 句子選自此影片為什麼做果凍不能加鳳梨或奇異果? (Why Do Pineapple and Kiwi Ruin Gelatin?) 學習重點. 1. dissolve (使)溶解. dissolve. [dɪˋzɑlv] (v.) (使)溶解. 今日已有 0 人參加每日口說挑戰. ShakesBeer 6 個月前. 00:00.

  2. 5個孕期誤區被揭穿 (5 Pregnancy Myths Debunked) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 5 Pregnancy Myths Debunked. Watch on. 影片播放. Pregnancy seems like a miracle, but when people start basing health advice on that sentiment. 懷孕像是一個奇蹟,但是當人們基於這種情感而開始給予健康的建議時. that’s how problems start. Luckily, I've brought this science with me. Let's look it. 也就是問題的開始 幸運的是,我是篤信科學的人 讓我們來.

  3. 5 種健康早餐奶昔 (5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies!) 總是煩惱早餐要什麼嗎?. 不妨早起個五分鐘,用 smoothie 開啟活力滿滿的一天!. 這邊提供了禮拜一到禮拜五簡單好喝的果昔食譜,準備好水果、優格和果汁機,我們一起加入健康早餐冰沙的行列!. 1roll out of bed0:48 ...

  4. 揭穿那些你一生相信的食物迷思 (Debunking Food Myths You’ve Believed Your Entire Life) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. For many of us, one of the most upsetting moments of adulthood was learning the five-second rule doesn't exactly hold up. 對於我們許多人來說,成年後最令人沮喪的時刻之一就是明白五秒規則並不完全成立。 Five-second rule. 五秒規則。 You double dipped the chip. 你把洋芋片沾醬兩次。 Raw eggs?

  5. They passed out of your body during your period. 它們在月經期間從你的身體裡流逝出來。. When the ball of cells implants into your uterine lining, 當細胞球植入到你的子宮內膜時。. your body starts making pregnancy hormones. 你的身體開始製造懷孕激素。. These hormones keep your uterine lining in place ...

  6. 字幕與單字. 已審核. C1 高級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 乳酪 甜甜圈 甜點 蛋糕 好吃. 你敢嘗試嗎?. 非素食者的全素甜點初體驗!. (Non-Vegans Try Vegan Desserts) 21738 1097. Ann 發佈於 2023 年 06 月 19 日. 分享.

  7. Gluten sensitivity is a real thing, and here are the top warning signs that you might be gluten sensitive: 麩質敏感是真實存在的現象,而你從下列幾個警訊中察覺自己是否對麩質敏感:. If you have any type of digestion issue, it's a clear warning sign you've got gluten sensitivity. 如果你有任何種類的 ...

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