Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. If you're a fan of Pixar's short films, 如果你是皮克斯短片迷,. you can spot the jackalope from "Boundin'" on the back of one of the motor homes here and the birds from "For the Birds" on this power line. 你可以在其中一部露營超車後們上看到《跳跳羊》裡的 Jackalope 以及這根電線上看到《電線上的鳥 ...

  2. 直接把它打碎,慢慢地融化並攪拌它,而在旁邊的果汁機中,我將加入從兩顆酪梨上挖下的新鮮果肉. We're gonna put the flesh in here. 把果肉放進去. The avocado is also gonna give you the lightness and the elegance that egg whites would give you. 酪梨會為你帶來蛋清般的輕盈和優雅感. So into this liquidiser, we're gonna go in with 160 ml, or a little tin, of coconut cream. 在果汁機中,我們將加入 160 毫升或一小罐的椰漿.

  3. On its second quarter earnings call in 2023, VP of Engineering Marevi said Tesla can replace a rear cast rail on a Model Y 10 times cheaper and three times faster than a corresponding set of stamp parts. 在 2023 年第二季度的財報電話會議上,特斯拉工程副總裁馬雷維表示,特斯拉更換 Model Y 後鑄軌的成本比 ...

  4. 在 "星鏈 "之前,這些地球同步衛星大多使用改裝過衛星電話。 所以你可能見過它們,笨重的大手機專門用來接入千里之外的衛星。 Which means they ' re not really suitable to form the backbone of a high - speed internet service .

  5. 不過考量到我們的足部基本上就是略為改裝過的猿猴腳掌,其實它們已經算是不錯了啦。 And considering we ' re the most successful primate , nay mammal nay species (?) on the planet , it 's a pretty decent compromise .