Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 我聽說免稅購物創下了自 2014 開始調查以來最大的成長。. And the tourism agency's latest data from October to December suggests inbound tourists spent 37% more than in 2019, that's before COVID-19 spread. 日本旅遊局 10 月至 12 月的最新數據顯示,入境遊客的消費比 2019 (即 COVID-19 傳播之前 ...

  2. 過去兩年,圓兌美元匯率已下跌超過18%, as the Bank of Japan bucked the global trend of central banks hiking interest rates to fight inflation instead of maintaining negative rates in a bid to raise stagnant wages and boost weak domestic demand for the export economy .

  3. 你只能選擇試著穩定你的兌幣匯率後讓資金在各國自由流通,但無法控制利率變動, or control your interest and exchange rates , but then you can 't stop the capital flowing in and out .n

  4. 洪子雯 發佈於 2021 01 月 14 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字 關於 學習服務介紹 認識 VoiceTube 加入我們 常見問題 聯絡我們 熱門搜尋主題 企業英文培訓 服務總覽 口說挑戰 收藏&複習 ...

  5. 是全球經濟一的產量. Governments borrow for good reasons and bad reasons. 政府為了各種原因借錢,有好有壞. A good reason could be borrow to invest. 好的理由比如借錢來投資. governments can usually borrow at low rates, and they can invest in public goods and infrastructure that benefits the economy. 政府通常可以以低利率借到錢,他們可以用來投資公共財或是有利於經濟的基礎建設.

  6. 跟著 CNN、NPR、BBC 等國際媒體,掌握專業新聞用語,即時更新時事單字,用英文掌握國際趨勢.

  7. 資產價格中長期通膨的預期相較過去十年下降較少, Nevertheless, the decline in inflation compensation, that's the red line, over the past year. 然而,過去這年來對通貨膨脹補助的削減創新低, may indicate the financial market participants now see an increased risk of very low inflation persisting. 有參與金融市場的人都看到通貨膨脹持續低迷,風險卻增加。

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