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  1. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  2. 所以在這部影片中,我們要介紹毀了你魅力的九個常見錯誤以及一些補救方法。 Here we go. 開始吧。 First — not proactively introducing yourself. 第一:不主動介紹自己。 Many people feel uncomfortable when they enter into a new group. 很多人在進入新的團體時會感到不自在。 So in order to keep a low profile, they often offer a small hand wave or just stand there quietly — this is uncomfortable for everyone involved.

  3. 而且現今也有各式各樣的管道來取得食物,導致有些人無法抗拒吃消夜。. Furthermore, if you are grabbing food late at night, you’re more likely to make an unhealthy choice. 除此之外,如果你晚上吃消夜,都會選擇較為不健康的食物。. You may do it out of convenience, because it’s easier to ...

  4. First, we can begin 'would like to' to say what we want. 首先,我們可以從 「would like to」作為開頭來表達我們想說的。. 'Hi i would like to speak to the manager. Yes, I'd like to complain.'. 「嗨,我想和經理談談。. 是的,我想投訴。. We can say 'I am unhappy about' plus a noun phrase. 我們可以說 ...

  5. This phenomenon is called "déjà vu", which is French for "already seen". 這種現象叫「似曾相識」(註:學名為「既視感」)在法文中是「曾經看過」的意思。. Historically, déjà vu has been linked with epilepsy and seizures in the brain. 在歷史上,似曾相識被認為與癲癇及腦癲癇有關。. But ...

  6. 所以,百分比怎麼組成的……很明顯地我們知道,它是從100%為基準開始算。. Seventy percent is a mixture of cocoa liqueur and cocoa butter. 如果寫70%,表示裡面有70%可可漿跟可可脂的混合。. So anything that comes from a cacao, the remainder of that percentage, it can be flavorings, it can be dairy, it ...

  7. 首先,你如果還沒有 2016 生活指南地圖,那就現在做一份。. This is your big picture. It's your goals, and your dreams, and everything you hope to accomplish in the new year. 因為那是你的大方向。. 你的目標、你的夢想以及任何你想要在這一年內達成的事情。. Next, you're gonna break down each ...

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