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  1. 對於人類來說,這意味著每小時喝一公升冰冷的水,讓身體將水加熱到體溫,然後透過排尿或出汗將其排出體外,然後擦掉汗水。 A liter of water can move 1 calorie of heat per degree Celsius it heats up , so using water for liquid cooling can remove at most around 37 Calories of heat every hour

  2. 如果天氣實際是攝氏零度或更,而水也正凍結成冰,你就可以說「It's icy out there(外頭天氣極冷)」。 Like , so cold the water is turning to ice ; it 's icy . 像是天氣冷到水要結冰了,所以說 it's icy(天氣極冷)。

  3. In this American English pronunciation video, you’re going to learn how to pronounce the. 在這段美式英語發音視頻中,您將學習如何發音. word ‘water’. "這個詞。. This video is being made on vacation. So, the background’s weird, the lighting’s. 這段視頻是在度假時錄製的。. 所以,背景很奇怪 ...

  4. 所有的來到低處或是平坦的地方,土壤沒辦法快速的吸收它們, enough or the sewage can 't take all of it , the pipes , et cetera so all the water rises 或是水溝無法承受所有的水,還有水管也是,所以所有的水升到

  5. 因為深層的水往往比表面的水要冷得多。 So if you ' re a fish and it 's a really hot day , you can go down into one of these deep pools , 所以,如果你是一條魚,在一個非常熱的日子,你可以潛到其中一個深水池中,

  6. 來描述氣象. weather that's cold but stimulating. 涼涼冷冷的,但是很振奮身心的那種. mildly cold, causing shivering. 有一點點冷,甚至會造成顫抖. cold that is kinda uncomfortable. 很冷而且不太舒服,

  7. 今晚山上的雪發白了. Not a footprint to be seen. 看不到一個腳印. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen. 一個與世隔絕的王國,看來我是女王了。 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. 風就像這漩渦中的風暴一樣呼嘯著. Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried. 我知道我試過了,但我不能把它放進去. Don't let them in, don't let them see. 不要讓他們進來,不要讓他們看到。 Be the good girl you always have to be

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