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  1. ♪Turned into good neighbors♪. ♪成為好鄰居♪. ♪Your wife waters flowers♪. ♪你的妻子在澆花♪. ♪I want to kill her♪. ♪我想殺了她♪. ♪All my mornings are Mondays♪. ♪我所有的早晨都是週一♪. ♪Stuck in an endless February♪. ♪陷入無盡的二月♪. ♪I took the miracle move on drug♪. ♪我在毒品上獲得了奇蹟♪.

  2. Big Bang Theory Gift Giving 1. Watch on. 影片播放. Ok, well thank you for that, but I got you and Leonard a few silly neighbor gifts, so. OK感謝你我拿到了你和雷納德兩個傻鄰居的禮物所以. I'll just put them under my tree. 我會把他們擺在我的耶誕樹底下. Wait! You bought me a present? Uh huh. But why would you do such a thing? I don't know, 等等! 你買了禮物要送我? 啊哈? 你為什麼會做這種事? 我不知道.

  3. It's almost as if Totoro comes to life as a result of their dad's advice. One of the most iconic scenes in the film takes place as the girls wait for their dad at the bus stop in the rain. The girls wait in silence, but we feel the weight of what goes unspoken.

  4. 生活大爆炸》(電視劇)中 Barenaked Ladies 的《生活大爆炸之歌 (The Big Bang Theory Song by Barenaked Ladies from The Big Bang Theory (TV series)) 5. 中文 B2 中高級. 03:30. Dua Lipa - 懸浮(官方動畫音樂視頻) (Dua Lipa - Levitating (Official Animated Music Video)) 9. 中文 B2 中高級.

  5. 如果你不喜歡鄰居的貓把你家花園當貓砂盆蛋殼能讓牠們避而遠之因為踩到碎蛋殼會讓牠們感到不適

  6. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  7. 史努比秀 - 歡迎來到鄰居家 | Apple TV+ (The Snoopy Show — Welcome to the Neighborhood | Apple TV+) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. ♪♪. Hello, Charlie Brown. 你好,查理-布朗. Can your dog come outside to roam aimlessly with me? 你的狗能和我一起到外面漫無目的地遊蕩嗎? I'll see if he's available. Snoopy! 我去看看他有沒有空。 史努比. -Huh? - (kids cheering) -什麼? -(孩子們的歡呼聲)

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