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  1. 法醫實驗室可能已經解開了台灣食物中毒案的謎團該案已導致台灣地區兩人死亡數十人患病。 Samples taken from the Taipei restaurant where all the victims ate have tested positive for a fatal toxin called bongkrekic acid. 從所有受害者用餐的台北餐廳採集的樣本檢測出一種名為「米酵菌酸」的致命毒素呈陽性。 Taipei Mayor Chiang Wayne announced the findings in a press conference. 台北市長蔣萬安在記者會上宣布了調查結果。

  2. 在這支影片中,我要分享六件你絕對不該在飯後做的事。 1. Smoking. 1. 吸菸。 Smoking is bad enough, but after a meal, it's 10 times the killer. 吸菸本身已經很糟,但在飯後來一根可是 10 倍致命。 Yep. That's right. 對。 沒錯。 Smoking right after a meal is very bad, and if you must do it, you should wait at least a couple of hours after the meal. 飯後馬上抽菸真的很不好,而如果你非抽不可,你應該至少在飯後等幾個小時。

  3. - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Have you ever wondered what really happens when a fly lands on your food? 你有沒有想過,當蒼蠅落在你的食物上時,到底會發生什麼? In today's video, we will explore the disgusting world of mouth parts, regurgitation, digestive juices and potential contamination. 在今天的影片中,我們將探索口腔部位、反芻、消化液和潛在汙染的噁心世界。

  4. 我的意思是,水煮蔬菜會讓蔬菜的養分流失不是一般常識嗎? 至少你是這麼以為的。 Sorry, friends, but, once again, you've been lied to! 對不起朋友們,但是,你們又再次受騙了。 In this video, I'm going to take the seven most commonly-believed myths that you likely still believe about healthy food and explain the truth behind them. 在這支影片中,我將會揭曉七個廣受大眾誤解,你可能至今仍舊相信的健康食物謠言,並且講解背後真正的狀況。

  5. 8743 562. 韓澐 發佈於 2017 年 08 月 31 日. 分享. 影片單字. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 學這些英文用法:GreatBigStory,味覺,嘴巴,食物,感冒,味道,鮮味,燕麥,嗅覺,口香糖,米飯,口感,養成,多汁,牛排,香味,辣椒,沙拉,進到,金屬,節奏,帶給,好笑,形容,禮拜,名字,感覺,使用,時間,香料,醇厚,樹膠,輕食,海枯石爛,天荒地老,芥末醬,巧克力棒,意識到,饗宴,外人,兩樣,用心,重要性...

  6. we reached out to Peter Cassell, as spokesperson for the FDA. 我們聯繫了 Peter Cassell,FDA 的發言人。. To ease your eating worries, here are eight food safety questions you've likely had at one point in your life. 為了減輕你對飲食的擔憂,以下是你一生中可能遇到過的八個食品安全問題。.

  7. By definition, a reaction to a food is only considered an actual allergy if the immune system is involved. 根據定義,只有免疫系統參與的食物反應才被視為真正的過敏反應。. And if the response is caused by immune cells called IgE antibodies, which we'll get more into later. 如果這種反應是由被稱為IgE抗體的 ...

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