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  1. (DAYS OF OUR LIVES | International Couple VLOG | Engaged After TWO WEEKS & 3 Years Married! ?? ??) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. I remember I had a long list of non negotiables for a husband, which honestly everyone should have if you want to meet someone that's right for you. 我記得我有一張長長的清單,上面列出了對丈夫的要求,說實話,如果你想遇到適合你的人,每個人都應該有這張清單。 Goodbye to me. 再見我。

  2. 影片播放. I'm at an age where all of my friends are settling down and getting married and having kids. 在我這個年紀身邊的朋友們都已經陸續安定下來結婚生子了。 And every time I hear the news, "I'm getting married!" 而每當我聽到這樣的消息:「我要結婚了! Though I say, "Congratulations!" 雖然我嘴上會說:「恭喜! All I can think is, "What's wrong with me?" 但我腦中只想著:「我到底有什麼問題? Why isn't anyone proposing to me?

  3. 尼爾:然後我們偏見。偏見就是不公平的支持 or opposition to a person, thing or idea. 或反對一個人、一件事或一個想法。 ... 【BBC 英語】為什麼結婚就要冠夫姓?原來想要「冠妻姓」也可以? (Learn to talk about names in 6 minutes!) 3310 104

  4. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  5. 幽默到下課還能去講脫口秀的老師你見過嗎?. (High School History Teacher. Cory Michaelis) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. I think now is a good time to tell you all that I teach high school. 我想現在是時候告訴你們我在高中教書。. That's my day job. 這是我的日常工作。. Uh, in Seattle. 在西雅圖。.

  6. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學這些英文用法:邪惡

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

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