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  1. 1 Discussion 1.1 The gift economy, not barter, preceded the market economy 1.2 Dave Pollard on the war between the gift economy and the market economy 1.3 Genevieve Vaughan on the difference between gifting and exchange 1.4 Is the gift economy matriarchal? ...

  2. Green Light taxes encourage certain types of behaviour, Red Light taxes discourage. Definition "There are at least two kinds of green taxes. One kind says No! Don't! Stop! I shall call them "Red Light Taxes." (They are also called Pigovian taxes, effluent charges ...

    • Description
    • Interview
    • Discussion

    Mary Harrington: "A core argument of Reactionary Feminist concerns the impact on women, and on intimate and family life, of the transition we’ve made over the course of modernity first to ‘disembedded’ life, then to a consumer one. We’ve since shifted again, into what David Cartwright calls ‘limbic capitalism’, which is to say an economy oriented t...

    1. From an interview with the author David T. Courtwright, of the book "The Age of Addiction" , by Sean Illing: * Sean Illing: “Limbic capitalism” is a strange phrase at the center of your book. What does it mean and why should people be aware of it? David T. Courtwright: Well, limbic capitalism is just my shorthand for global industries that basic...

    Towards Limbic Anti-Capitalism

    "Elsewhere I looked at the uncounted costs of that increasingly frank application of limbic capitalism to the intimate domain of sex relations, whether in porn evangelism, transactional sex understood as ‘empowering’, or the monetisation of male desire and loneliness via OnlyFans. And I delved into the increasingly surreal and unsettling effects of the internet’s increasingly evident function as accelerant of all limbic, desire-based forms of commerce, and hazarded a few guesses as to where w...

  3. Prof. Gibin Hong is one of the progressive political economists introducing those alternative economic principles. His economy theory, represented as “not the Money-making economic, but the Housekeeping economic which seeks for the happiness and better life”. His main research topics are the structural change of global political economy ...

  4. 2019年7月18日 · People like to obtain a direct and immediate return for their labour – eating most of their production on the day they obtain it, as hunters, gatherers and sometimes as day labourers paid in food. They value consumption over accumulation and will share their food with all present on the day they acquire it.

  5. From the Wikipedia: "A state-directed economy is a system where either the state or worker cooperatives own the means of production, but economic activity is directed to some degree by a government agency or planning ministry through coordinating mechanisms such as indicative planning and dirigisme. This differs from a centralised planned ...

  6. P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式:. - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。. 其产品不具有市场上的交换价值,而在使用者团体中具有使用 ...