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  1. 2024年06月06日 看護学部・大学院看護学研究科 オープンキャンパス・個別相談会 お申し込み開始! 2024年06月04日 女子高生のための医学部体験ツアーを開催します! 2024年01月11日 令和6年能登半島地震により被災された受験生の皆様へ 2023年11月02日 医学部・看護学部 出願開始!

  2. Tokyo Women’s Medical University has developed from Tokyo Women’s Medical School and has produced many female physicians who have contributed to our society. Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine was established in 1950. Tokyo Women’s Medical College was established in 1952.Then, in 1998, the School of Nursing was added.

  3. The international student exchange program at Tokyo Women's Medical University (TWMU) was initiated through a partnership agreement with Cardiff University (UK) in 1997. TWMU became the first among the private medical universities in Japan to encourage and accredit study abroad programs. Since then, TWMU School of Medicine has partnered with 12 ...

  4. index_english. TWMU is a medical university with over one hundred years of history which now has a modern and sophisticated educational, clinical and research environments. Traditionally all of our undergraduate schools are devoted to develop women’s professionalism.

  5. 図書館からのお知らせ. 2024/03/13:サーバメンテナンスが終了しました. 2024/03/05:サーバメンテナンスに伴うサービス停止のお知らせ. 2023/02/17:ホームページをリニューアルしました。. 2022/07/22:本学教職員、学生以外の来館利用は全館休止とさせていただき ...

  6. Graduate School of Medical Science Radiation Oncology About us Radiation oncology is a field of treating cancer using radiation, and has a 120-year history since attempts to use radiation to cure diseases began a year after Dr. Röntgen's discovery of radiation in

  7. 東洋医学では「心身一如」、ココロとカラダは密接に関係していると考え、心身全体のバランスを整える治療をします。. 当研究所では、東洋医学と西洋医学を併用した全人的な診療によって、一人ひとりの体質や自覚症状に合わせた漢方診療・鍼灸治療を ...

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