Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of Tokyo Women’s Medical University traces its roots to the Surgical Department at the Center for Gastroenterology , established by Dr. Komei Nakayama in 1965. The department works closely with gastroenterology, gastrointestinal endoscopy, and chemotherapy departments and three other departments ...

  2. 遺伝子に関わるさまざまな病気も親から子どもに遺伝子の変異として伝わります。. 私たちの体は両親から1組ずつの遺伝子をもらってできあがっています。. 一人当たり2組の遺伝子を持っているわけです。. その遺伝子のうち、相手方よりも特徴がでやすい ...

  3. 当センターの成人Down症候群外来では、包括的な医療管理と社会福祉的介入により、Down症候群の体質を持つ方の健やかで豊かな生活を送るための支援を行ってまいります。 <診療のご予約・お問い合わせ>. 外来日:毎週水曜日・金曜日(他曜日は要相談) 予約受付時間:平日午前9時から午後5時まで. 電話番号 : 03-5269-7509.

  4. We focus on several aspects of the urological field including kidney transplantation, urological cancer, female urology, pediatric urology, and urinary stone. In each field, we have several specialists. Regarding kidney transplantation, the number of surgeries is more than 100, and the 10-year graft survival rate is more than 90%, which is an ...

  5. › twmu-news ›

  6. 東京女子医科大学病院 〒162-8666 東京都 新宿区 河田町 8-1 tel : 03-3353-8111(大代表) 診療時間 休診日 交通案内 お問い合わせ

  7. The Faculty of Advanced Techno-Surgery (FATS) conducts research and development to bring about higher levels of quality in medical care. At the core of our research is image-guided surgery (IGS) performed in our intelligent operating theater. We adopted intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in March 2000; as of July 2023, we have ...