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  1. Creative communities, cooperative networks and cosmopolitan localism are, as it has been said, the building blocks for a new vision: the vision of a sustainable society that can be defined as a Multi-local Society. I.e. a network of interconnected communities and places, at the same time, open and localised."

  2. Incas. From the Wikipedia: "The term 'ayllu' refers to a grouping of indigenous people of South America and has been translated as clan. The term represents a group based on assumed blood-ties which operates as an economic and social unit. The Inca Empire was essentially a number of Andean ayllus controlled by a few Inca ayllus.

  3. Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

  4. 2012年7月17日 · Bio. "Dr. Mina M. Ramirez is President of the Asian Social Institute, Vice-President of the Francis Senden Memorial Foundation (FSMF), Inc.; Consultant of the Social Research Center of the University of Sto. Tomas; Board Member of Miriam College; and a member of the Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences established by His ...

  5. Cosmo-Local Production is a methodology for creating value and products and services that are inspired by the following basic rules (see below). and marries the planetary globalization of knowledge, the 'smart' localization of production, and both local and planetary mutualization, i.e. marrying distributed making and global open innovation:

  6. It is a peer-to-peer program that draws on the experience and resilience within communities – we find and train families who have been through tough times, match them with families who want things to change, and coach the families to grow and change together.

  7. Although it is naturally embedded within a terrestrial biosphere, global civil society is an ensemble of more or less tightly interlinked biomes that are in fact social processes. The populations, communities, and ecosystems of global civil society comprise flesh and blood, symbol-using individuals, households, profit-seeking businesses, ...

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