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  1. 端午節禁慾九天 相關

  2. 生鮮聰明買,鮮拾有好康,端午節買粽來鮮拾比價就對了,地方粽、飯店粽、市場粽通通免排隊送到家. 鮮拾端午粽星雲集,名店免排隊享扣,買粽滿1500折100,全站滿2000折150,還有好禮送


  1. 3 May. Greenery Day (みどりの日, Midori no Hi), 2007–present [4] 4 May. Children's Day (子供の日, Kodomo no Hi), also known as Boys' Day or the Feast of Banners, traditionally celebrated as Tango no Sekku (端午の節句) . 5 May. Note that Citizen's Holiday (国民の休日, Kokumin no Kyūjitsu) is a generic term for any official ...

  2. Youth Day. 靑年節. Commemorates revolutionary Tenth Uprising in 1911. April 29, July 30. The Emperor's Birthday. 天長節. The birthday of the reigning emperor has been a national holiday in Japan from 1868. Celebrated from 1895 to 1945 when Taiwan was a colony of Japan. May 1.

  3. Sumptuary law. Le Courtisan suivant le Dernier Édit by Abraham Bosse – a French courtier casting aside lace, ribbons and slashed sleeves in favor of sober dress in accordance with the edict of 1633. Sumptuary laws (from Latin sūmptuāriae lēgēs) are laws that try to regulate consumption. [1] Black's Law Dictionary defines them as "Laws ...

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